oh, the question that she answered and turned out false. I was thinking isn\'t that question too vague?
"Do you think you are a good person." That\'s just too vague. and lie detector aren\'t 100% accurate. At most they are about 90% accurate.
Oh also, questions like that could be a gray answer, not straight black or white answer. What if she thinks she\'s half good and half bad. How is she going to answer that? Does Maybe? Somewhat? count as an answer beside yes or no?
You must be talking about the one where she said she would go back to her old beau..
Funny how they do the disclaimer at the top of how they weren\'t going to air the show because it was so detrimental to their lives, yet they repeated it. That thing aired months ago.
And yes. The show is fucked up. They destroyed her life and didn\'t give her a dime.
BUT on the other hand, she KNOWS the questions they will ask her on the show because they already asked them of her earlier to get the true readings. So she knew she could stop.
Also the last question was ridiculous. IF she feels she is a good person, then so be it. That\'s not a good lie detector question and to lose that much money off a bogus question is a shame. Kind of like their marriage.