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It had gotten out of hand I even policed AND deleted some of my own posts. Whose posts besides my own did I delete? No ones. Keep rambling.I offer more in CE even with some of my idiotic posts over the past few weeks then you have in years.
She has a child with downs syndrome. Just because she is a political figure that the OP hates it is ok to post shit like this? It is just in bad taste.
Come November when McCain isn\'t elected (its cute that people think he has a chance) No one will remember this worthless cunt, or her slutty cunt daughter, or her whiney little bitch husband who is also a cunt, or that retard baby of hers who should of had an appointment made with a coat hanger 8 months before IT was born. Then we can all go back to being friends.
See? now thats sexist and quite over the top and mean and childish of me wasn\'t it?