How about tax cuts for people who don\'t pay taxes. That\'s called a tax credit, which is a form of welfare, which is a hand out.
There, that wasn\'t very hard.
Sometimes you gotta look at the overall greater good it\'s\'s helping out middleclass families,...some of those folks will recieve a check, it\'s hard to determine who\'s abusing the system and who truly needs it. We\'re borrowing 10 billion a month in iraq for an unjust war, and we give a generous amount of cash to third world countries all over the world, i guess it\'s unamerican to help out your own tho. So what some are going to get some extra cash, that doesn\'t mean all of a sudden you\'re going to see them at those expensive country clubs and all exlcusive resorts,...
.. relax...those folks will still remain lazy and poor, you have nothing to worry about.
I asked them to list Obama\'s accomplishments and they changed the subject.
Well they need to do some homework, Obama has some accomplishments but he hasn\'t been in the senate that long to beef up his doesn\'t matter if he doesn\'t have a long list...what matters is how he\'ll get the country back on track, and while you may not agree with it, an incredible amount of other people think otherwise...we\'ve had folks in the presidency with experience and the country is still stinkin\' up tha\'s time for something new.
right, I\'m just a bitter racist American clinging to my bible and gun, where have I heard that before?
I don\'t think you\'re racist, but i don\'t like the argument of black folks votin\' for him because he\'s black, when past elections have proved otherwise, you saying that, you have some inner racial overtones that you need to deal with.
And Obama was telling the truth in a regards to those up in that particular part of\'ll find those folks that have the intelligence capacity of a doorknob, that\'ll say stuff like.."this is the united states of america and we\'re not gonna let those immigrants or blacks take over..yee-haw...bang bang"....that\'s a wee bit exaggeration, but you get the point.