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Author Topic: Saw Kinect live for the first time  (Read 1651 times)

Offline Viper_Fujax

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Saw Kinect live for the first time
« on: August 02, 2010, 10:37:48 AM »
Microsoft opened a store here that had it going and anyone could hop in.

I didnt play it because i didnt feel like looking like a fag in front of a bunch of people, but it looked pretty lame.

Saw 2 games. 1) the jumping raft game. Looked twitchy as hell with your character doing these random twitchy moves on the screen, and people were jumping and not really able to control it that well. the people could get a few points/coin things on most jumps but it seemed impossible to master. not because of the players ability, but because of kinect being weird and hard to control. Wasnt very impressed

2) the ball game where you can use your whole body to keep the ball in play. This was the only game I wanted to play after seeing it at E3...but not anymore. Not having a tactile feeling to hitting the ball made it look boring. maybe it\'s different playing it, but after seeing someone else play it live I really didnt have a need to try it out.

overall...uber pass
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Saw Kinect live for the first time
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2010, 04:27:44 AM »
I think both ms and sony are going fail hard on this one....they\'re spending millions in R&D on this tech, and i don\'t see them stealing away nintendo\'s audience for their version of the wii....it\'s going to be like the ds vs psp....even tho the psp is superior to the ds in every category, the ds still sells thousands more than the psp.

I do think that the 3-d tech will be interesting tho.....and sony is just starting to slightly see some profits from the ps3..just barely tho...if move bombs for them, they\'re gonna be right back where they were when the ps3 first dropped....in the red.

I never liked these gimmicky motion games anyway....
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