Well I rented the new UFC game last week - its a good game I think but there is a ton of room for improvement. The combat was good for an MMA game, very fluid, a bit of a learning curve on account of all the different positions there are for fighting (standing, ground, clinch) there was no up against the fence position tho.
The career mode was very very bare - anything you do besides a fight or a sparring session is a still photograph. So like when you have to go sign autographs for fans or do an interview it just shows a picture of you doing it and there is 0 interaction. Also your fighter is always in his ring gear - doesn\'t what hes doing outside the ring - he is shirtless, and in his trunks. Might seem like nit picking but stuff like that really makes me not feel connected to the game.
The biggest flaw tho was the online ranking system. Your opponent, as they are getting KO\'d or submitted can pull the cord out of their xbox and your kicked back to the main screen. He doesn\'t get a loss and you don\'t get a win. So instead of seeing how good people are everyone is walking around with a 70-1 ranking. I played it a lot in the week I had it and I don\'t have an exact number but i\'d say I go fucked out of somewhere between 30-40 wins. Its very very rampant.
So the gameplay itself I enjoyed a fair bit, but the lackluster and boring single player and the extreme bullshit of the online pretty much made this thing a definite no buy for me.
As for Fight Night Round 4. Well thats not out yet until June 30th but you can download the demo for PS3 or Xbox. You get to play as Manny Pacquiao or Ricky Hatton. First off...PRETTIEST GAME EVER!! seriously this thing on a HDTV is fucking gorgeous. Sweat flying - blood running down the body - faces ripple when they get punched - the way the trunks flow as you move around - the physics and rag doll effects are tremendous. I was getting punched in the face and I went to block and temporarily trapped one of hattons arms in my guard - crowd is the best looking audience i\'ve ever seen in a sports game. Well detailed models - you can even see rolls of film on the press desk with all the photographers outside the ring.
My only beef with the demo so far is the damn analog stick controls. I personally like to use the face buttons instead of moving the stick in specific directions. Buttons make the fighting feel more fluid to me and I really really hope that they add a choice of a different control scheme by the time it hits retail.
Check em out if your a fan of either sport, I can\'t see you getting disappointed. Both these games have demos that are available right now on Xbox Live so I imagine they are available for the PS3 as well. Both games were also there funnest when played with a buddy. The instant replays in either game when you score a crazy KO make for a good time with friends.
Also anyone on xbox live wants to add me feel free - its Zabbie85 - my xbox is less than a month old so I don\'t got hardly any good games for it yet. But I will in time.