So the wife and I are leaning towards getting our kids either an Xbox 360 or a Wii for Christmas. At first glance we decided pretty easily on the Wii, I guess mainly due to the kid friendly nature of the controls and the majority of the games on the system.
But lately we are starting to lean towards the Xbox 360. Part of that is because that is the system that I would rather have, and I\'d be able to play with my buddies on Live (I know I\'ll have to pay $50 for a gold sub.).
I\'ve played the wii and to me the controls using the wii remote & nunchuck seem hokey & gimmicky to me. The graphics are last gen and the downloadable online games and extras (netflix) just are not there.
Does the Live Marketplace have a good selection of downloadable kids games? I know it has it\'s fair share of kids games at retail, but probably nothing close to what the wii has. A big selling point to my wife is the fact that you can stream netflix movies (we have a netflix account) and the console is cheaper than a wii (arcade version). We just bought an HDTV this past summer, so in a way I want a console that can display in HD. I could see us using the xbox as much for streaming movies on netflix as we would spend playing games on it.
What would you get your kids? Anything else I need to consider?