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The differences between versions aren\'t limited to the interface. Dragon Age doesn\'t look amazing on the PC, but it\'s an attractive game nonetheless. Zooming from an isometric view to a third-person perspective is slick, and while environments don\'t hold up quite as well when viewed up close, they\'re consistently lovely when viewed from above. On the flip side, the Xbox 360 version looks positively disappointing. Textures are highly compressed and colors are washed out, though the upside is that this version maintains a smoother frame rate than on the PlayStation 3, where things might get jittery when swiveling the camera around. The PlayStation 3 version features higher-quality textures than those on the Xbox 360, better color saturation, smoother facial animations, and shorter load times. Minor visual hiccups, like corpses that disappear and reappear, are a bit more common on the PS3, however. The PC version is the superior experience, but if you\'re choosing between the two console releases, the PlayStation 3 has the upper hand. Some minor glitches are shared between the console versions, however, such as rare occasions when the soundtrack or voice-overs disappear. We also ran into a few quest malfunctions that could be replicated on all three platforms, though they were relatively minor and did not interfere with the progress of the main quest.....
too RPG for my liking (meaning the combat looks shitty)still waiting for mass effect