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Author Topic: Sony to move towards pc based tech?  (Read 1719 times)

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Sony to move towards pc based tech?
« on: December 30, 2009, 04:06:07 AM »
Is Sony caving in to the complaints of it\'s cell technology being too complicated to program for?


If they do go with a more pc based system, i think they\'ll only benefit in the end...On the one hand Sony can say to dev\'s f**k you and learn the tech, but there have been alot of folks that have had a hard time tryin\' to get the ps3 games to match their 360 counter parts.

Yeah not all games are like this..since most high end multi-games end up looking identical since those big firms have the capital to fine tune the ps3 games a bit longer, but smaller firms with smaller budgets tend to take the biggest hit(and will most likely develop on the easier 360 system)...so if sony can produce easier and simpler tech and still give us great games like uncharted, then i\'m all for it.
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Sony to move towards pc based tech?
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2009, 04:10:53 AM »
Quote from: clips
Is Sony caving in to the complaints of it\'s cell technology being too complicated to program for?


If they do go with a more pc based system, i think they\'ll only benefit in the end...On the one hand Sony can say to dev\'s f**k you and learn the tech, but there have been alot of folks that have had a hard time tryin\' to get the ps3 games to match their 360 counter parts.

Yeah not all games are like this..since most high end multi-games end up looking identical since those big firms have the capital to fine tune the ps3 games a bit longer, but smaller firms with smaller budgets tend to take the biggest hit(and will most likely develop on the easier 360 system)...so if sony can produce easier and simpler tech and still give us great games like uncharted, then i\'m all for it.

The fact that they went on and on how great the cell was to change now would be an admission of failure. I think they should stick to their guns if they believe they have the better tech. But I guess the devs do make the system.
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Sony to move towards pc based tech?
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2009, 11:31:02 PM »
The fact that IBM chose to stop CELL R&D should be clue enough that this tech looked amazing on paper but had little real-world benefit.


Sony needs to rethink their strategy, bite the bullet, and make it easy for the developers to create great games on their platform.  Then maybe they can think about making their gaming division as profitable as it used to be.

There are tons of things the PS3 does right, but the lack of ease-of-development has been an ongoing issue that won\'t be solved by sticking to old tech.

I\'m still harboring unpleasant thoughts towards Sony for saying that GT3 "only used 50% of the PS2\'s power."  Yea that\'s why GT4 looked sooo much better. :rolleyes: Yea, I tend to hold grudges :p

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Sony to move towards pc based tech?
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2010, 08:09:05 PM »
Haha, THX. I understand they have to market their platform as being the best of the best, but Sony still hasn\'t really failed to impress me.

As for this situation - Go for it Sony! It\'s only going to help and bring more games and developers to the doors. This will make games easier to make less likely to have developers drop development when developing for them exclusively. Third-party games will benefit as we will get more of the games Microsoft has by making it just as easy to develop for.
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