Just echoing what vid said about the high-priced schools...
I know 3 people that went to Full Sail in FL straight out of high school for TV/film production. Their parents paid out the ass for this school\'s inflated tuition rates. All three ended up living BACK with their parents for years after they "graduated," struggling to find a job. Now I think two of them do camera work, not sure what the other is up to. But I know one guy is 30 and still lives with his folks.
Also have a couple of college friends that do post-production work and they seem to like it, but I\'m certain they don\'t get paid much.
Hope I\'m not painting too bleak of a picture. :liar: But yea, there are tons of people that think they are "directors" simply because they have a Mac... you have to have the drive, talent, and business sense to really one up the competition.
Congrats on paying off the house. I wish my tiny townhouse in georgetown rented for $2500! :ohnoes: