I know you cats have at least been hearing what\'s been goin\' on with this situtation....and yes it\'s their right to build there, but me personally, if i was them i would\'ve just left that area alone. I think they\'re being a bit selfish in building a mosque so close to the catastrophy that occured 9 years ago and they\'re being insensitive to the people that died there and it\'s almost like a slap in the face.
Whatever reason they want to build it, they just should\'ve used basic common sense and built the mosque somewhere else,... there\'s hundreds of mosques in NYC anyway...there was no reason to build one there.
I think the main culprit is the folks that sold them this bldg in the first place, but then that would\'ve resulted in a discrimination lawsuit. The guy in charge of building the mosque(IMAM) did an interview with cnn and he made a statement that kinda pissed me off....
http://www.yahoo.com/_ylt=AhlXhs14DTrd8305BVcXbt.bvZx4;_ylu=X3oDMTNhdWF2c2NjBGEDMTAwOTA5IG5ld3MgaW1hbSBtb3NxdWUgdARjcG9zAzQEZwNpZC0zOTIxOARpbnRsA3VzBHBrZ3YDMTkEcG9zAzIEc2VjA3RkLWZlYXQEc2xrA3RpdGxlBHNscG9zA0YEdGVzdAM3MDE-/SIG=12mqq5fcc/EXP=1284119994/**http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100909/ap_on_re_us/us_nyc_mosque_imamBut if you don\'t do this right, anger will explode in the Muslim world," he later said, predicting that the reaction could be more furious than the eruption of violence following the 2005 publication of Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.
I watched the live interview and he went on to say that there could be retributions and backlash to the u.s. if the mosque wasn\'t built...seriously the dude sounded like he was threatning the u.s. with another attack...are these people actually that dumb?...could they not just understand why folks do not want the mosque built there?...it\'s just common sense.
So they just forget about the hundreds of other mosques scattered throughout NYC, but if this particular mosque doesn\'t get built it\'s f**kin\' jihad?..:rolleyes:...that\'s bulls**t.
I know this is gettin\' long, but those fools were and are still killing muslims in iraq...and still blowing up mosques in that country and nowhere did i see muslims being angered over that, nor did i see anybody coming forth condeming the actions of those extremists.....thoughts?