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Author Topic: Lords of the Fallen Dev: 1080p 'Slightly Tougher' on Xbox One Than PS4  (Read 1515 times)

Offline Paul2

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"We’re working very hard right now to deliver PS4 and Xbox One in 1080p but I can’t confirm whether it’s possible. It’s probably easier for me to confirm it’ll happen for PlayStation 4, because it appears on this one we’re almost nailing it and pretty much there. For Xbox One though, it’s slightly tougher and we’re still working on it, so I can’t confirm that yet."


Interesting to hear that many multiplatform games, the ps4 has either higher resolution or higher frame rate than xbox 1.

Offline Viper_Fujax

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from the get-go it was clear XB1 would be technically inferior. Curious if the cost of Kinect made them sacrifice some costs on the tech of the box itself. I've never been a fan of motion controls, so they kind of deserve it in my mind trying to force a gimmick to succeed.

I'm not planning on getting an XB1 till multiple price drops. Having a kinect-less console would be a good start
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