This is quite an easy one...of course it wasn\'t worth it. Bush was incredibly arrogant in those days with such statements as "bring it" or "we\'ll go it alone"...we don\'t need anybody else.(not to mention shorty after invading iraq and when s**t started hitting the fan, as in our soldiers being dragged thru the streets, is when he quietly went back to the u.n. and asked those countries he dissed earlier to help him, in which they basically told him to go f**k yourself)
The Bush Admin, and all of his croonies thought this thing would be quick and swift, (they initially stated it wouldn\'t be longer than 3-4 months)....but the u.s. wanted to pin and to display a show of force to the world and Bush choose iraq to do it.
As much as i wanted some type of revenge for 9/11, i felt the way he was going about this, just felt very uncharacteristic in how the u.s. handles these types of scenarios...they had nothing to do with 9/11 and we had sanctions with great britain that while not perfect, kept saddam in check. It felt like we were being a big bully towards this country.
As much of a monster saddam was, it soon became apparent in how crucial he was in keeping that country soon as he was waxed the country fell into turmoil..suicide bombings, intense fighting...etc....none of that stuff was happening when saddam was in power.
Fast forward and the country has made barely any\'s still a war zone and those nuts in congress (mostly repubs) still felt we needed to stay there longer lol...we need to send their simple a$$es over there and see how long they\'d last...i completely agree with us going into aphghanastan tho...since the guy responsible for 9/11 was residing there.