But now, I offically hate EA.
"Nintendo will continue to hold a profitable niche in children\'s games"
Yeah GoldenEye, Perfect Dark, Sin and Punishment, Bad Fur Day, etc. Those are all kiddy games. I am sick of this bull, cause these are big sellers. Nintendo may make great kids games, but becuase they are kids games, doesn\'t mean they are for kids, or are only fun for kids. :rolleyes:
These guys are starting to sound like Vic Ireland and Working Designs, "No system will ever be number 1 without us." blah, blah, blah. Working (echo) Designs.I hope they don\'t decide to dev. for Nintendo or Sega and they wein the consoele gen. That would be hilarious! Friggin hilarious!
Too bad those bastards bought out and shut down so many great companies! errgghhhh - Looking Glass, Origin, etc.!
Eric Jacob