So I'm about a month in and I have to say, I'd never thought I'd say its nice working in an office. I'm still trying to get used to having the weekends off. Though it is nice spending time with my girlfriend and getting some gaming in. I'm also really liking being home by 6 every day and not the erratic schedule I've had in retail. This is my first 3 day weekend I've had off in god knows how long I can remember.
The job itself isn't too bad. Within my position, I'm basically documenting the products on the shelves after the merchandisers decide how its gonna look. A lot of counting pegholes and identifying fixtures and problems. I then scan in everything into a program that is reminiscent of CAD for retail, clean it up and done. Also, I take the photos of how the products look as well to send out to the stores. I like that because I have a Mac to do that and I get to take photos and edit on somewhat of a limited basis. I admit not something I'm passionate about but its not an overly difficult job, I'm picking it up and my supervisors are happy and its a company I can move up and around in. I wouldn't mind moving into the graphics department or more hands on merchandising. But just gotta take it a step at a time. Have my foot in the door. Just need to be patient
The thing that sucks though is I miss photography. I've already contacted a guy I used to freelance for and he's throwing me work on the weekends which is good. Extra money in my pocket and my camera isn't collecting dust, lol. I'm also gonna start working on my business again then do that nights and weekends.