For those who haven't heard, Google has launched a major update to the way it indexes searches. Basically, what the algorithm does is index sites based on their mobile-friendliness. If a website isn't optimized for mobile, it gets lower rankings whereas sites that have larger text, less images or even mobile friendly versions will get ranked higher.
So what does this mean. According to articles I've read today, nearly half of Fortune 500 companies and 30 percent of online retailers are not mobile friendly. Millions of small business websites are not mobile friendly. Even most of the other internet forums I've gone to, used, and researched are not mobile friendly. This means, these sites and companies will show up lower in the rankings. Therefore the nickname "Mobilegeddon". Businesses are freaking out.
So what does this mean for us? Good things. I kinda foresaw this happening. I also know through hours of research that most forum users opt for a mobile experience, and I have our traffic data to back this up. So a long time ago, I optimized this site to work extremely well on a phone and tablet as well as on the computer. We are signed up through Tapatalk (which for those who don't know is a nifty app that you can post and keep track of forums) and I set us up with our own mobile theme. I ran a test with Google today and it says we are in a good spot in terms of being mobile friendly. I also ran a test on WhoIs for our SEO score and we have a rating in the 80s which is very good. This is only good for us and can potentially boost not only our ranking but also more hits to the site.
Anywho, just wanted to share the news