lol. that is cool you are making a video games soundtracks playlist. i am kind of tired now. going to bed soon but here are some that i can think off my head:
1) anything from final fantasy vi - x (6 - 10). many of the songs in those series are very good to excellence. such as final fantasy ix battle theme, final fantasy vii fighting theme, and final fantasy x normal battle theme.
2) super mario 3 songs from the nes version. the remaster of super mario 3 on the snes also sounds great too. the remaster version is from a super mario collection of super mario 1 -3 with the lost level called super mario all-stars. many songs from super mario 1 - 3 sounds great, except maybe the lost level but the lost level is more like super mario 1.5 because the soundtracks, gameplay, and art direction is the same as super mario 1. very highly recommend you to listen to super mario 3 ending theme. its beautiful.
3) mighty morphing power rangers from the snes version. main theme sounds great so is boss battle theme. i don't know the name of the boss battle theme though but that soundtrack has super great replay-ability to me. to this day, i still listen to it from time to time. other themes in this game also sound great too like the city theme. i don't know the original name of these songs though.
4) mega man x series (snes to psone). many songs from mega man x 1 to mega man x5 have great to excellent soundtracks. not sure about mega man x6 and later though. if i remember correctly, my middle brother bought me mmx6 probably in early 2003 and i didn't really play it because i lost most interest in videogames since summer of 2002. anyway, great songs to super highly recommend are mmx1 - spark mandrill theme, mmx1 storm eagle theme (imo this song is the best of the best in the mmx series), mmx1 boomer kuwanger theme, flame mammoth, and mmx1 credits roll theme (its so beautiful). some themes to recommend from mmx2 include bubble crap theme, crystal snail theme, flame stag theme, and either cast or credits roll theme for mmx2. can't really remember if it is the cast or the credits roll theme though or that the cast and credit roll theme are the same for mmx2 though. but i know either the cast and the credit roll theme for mmx1 are amazing.
5) Street fighter ii soundtracks. In my opinion, i prefer the snes version more than other versions - including the arcade version. some soundtracks to recommend include ken's theme, balrog's theme, guile's theme, blanka's theme, chun li theme, ryu's ending theme, and credits roll theme. don't forget super street fighter ii soundtracks too. a theme to recommend for super street fighter 2 soundtracks that i can think of right now is cammy's theme. not sure which version of super street fighter 2 soundtracks sound the best but i would guess either the arcade or the snes version.
that is it for now.