Refering to your question about surfing on the internet and visiting websites, forums or even directly store updates from FTP-servers to a memorycard.. yes. it\'s possible only there is a small problem.. The PS2 community is a bit slow in actual intellectual growing.. there\'s absolutely no one who dares to try to port any application known to day to the console because the PS2 Harddrive is still not available for everyone on the market. Rumors go that Sony is working on a PS2 Console client that supports the TCP/IP protocol and that what give developers more space and suport to write some applications like an webbrowser, an email client, a icq clone etc etc... Just 2 days ago some of my classmates and I started a try to port Linux to the console with a limitation of a 8mb memory card, but there are many obstacles to overcome yet.. the must logical solution is to wait for PS2 console client to come out or at the simple webrowser which is allready in the Beta fase.
grzt! D^R