Now when i heard of the dreamcast i thought that it would just be another dissapointment from Sega.
It seems that i and many others have indeed underestimated the Dreamcast. If i\'d of had a little more faith in sega i would probably would have bought and would be playing on my dreamcast right now! I am getting a PS2 a.s.a.p because i think that they will be the best console for a while, that is untill the Nintendo Gamecube is released which this time over Nintendo have a few more third party companys backing them. Which hopefully will produce more quality games on the Gamecube than we saw on the N64. So my advice for people with the money would be to purchase a PS2 and a Gamecube. If you are not that well off I would strongly reccomend the Dreamcast it has some great games (which is the main thing) and will only cost around £150 or $150.
But don\'t count out the x-box. It is sure to be a powerfull console but will it supply the games. But it also (in my opinion) is pretty damn ugly. My best bet would be to wait till all the consoles have been released, try them out, and make your own choice. But if you simply can\'t wait then go for a PS2 or a Dreamcast.