how bad 989 Sports are this year. I read the reviews about how terrible Gameday 2001 was, but never did i figure it would infect all their games. I had a rent one get one free coupon yesterday, so i went out and figured i would try the 989 Final Four college hoops since it was the only college game out. Man, it was absolutely horrible. It would be poor even for PSX, graphics and playability are horrible. As a freebie, i figured i would try Gamebreaker 2001, man, what a piece of crap. Another game that wasn\'t worthy of the original PSX. After about 3 minutes of both games, they were back at the video store.
Not trying to rant, just very curious as to why Sony would even let these games out for release when they are that bad. Sony needs to worry more about shipping systems and forget games completely.