Well,I just know...this is a Console Debating,but I read something wrong in the Thread closed by Avatarr...I mean...it\'s true that at the present time,a single Console Game can never have more content than it was originally designed with,but this will change with PS2,X-Box and Indrema L-600! The X-Box,for axample,with the Modem and Hard-Disk,will be able to do everything PCs do and much more(On-line games,episode-games,and bla bla bla...)
Imagine to play on-line a racing game like "A new Daytona USA" or...to buy,sell or exchange our cars,our engines or decorated bodyworks in a Game like GT4!

It should be Wonderful! and it will be reality!
...but,yes,...at the present state of the console,you haven\'t all these things but I\'m so excited when I think of games like Lara Next Generation or The Lost!
This is only my opinion,but I don\'t see how PCs will be able to compete against the Next-Generation-Consoles!
...and...What the Hell do I care if you have a P4 2Ghz plus a GeForce3 when People can play Shenmue with a SH4 200Mhz plus Unreal-Tornament and Quake3 on-line!