Originally posted by brian_riendeau
Also, it will take a PC at LEAST 2X as powerful as the XBox to emulate it, simply because closed end system (ie, consoles) can really extract all the power from the design. With an open end home PC design, the hardware will only ever run as fast as the weakest component.
I agree about extraction on a closed design, but...
I bought my pc about 2 years ago (333mhz, ati rage pro turbo, and 64 meg ram), and right now the average pc is 3 times more powerful. A year ago the average pc was twice as powerful easily.
The pc market moves very very fast and it won\'t be long at all before the average pc is way more powerful than the x-box. I know people are going to say the graphics card is 2 generations ahead, but how long is a generation in pc terms ? 5 monthes, 6 ?
Anyhow we should be getting back to ps2 topics, these can all be read over at msxbox im sure