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Author Topic: The truth about MGS2 and MGSX!  (Read 2013 times)

Offline BizioEE

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The truth about MGS2 and MGSX!
« on: February 01, 2001, 06:15:09 AM »

MGSX for the Xbox will not be a direct port of the PS2 version of Metal Gear Solid 2, but rather a hybrid of the original MGS and the aforementioned MGS2!
Metal Gear Solid 2 is exclusive for PS2! :D

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Offline Sublimesjg
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The truth about MGS2 and MGSX!
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2001, 10:06:34 AM »
yea that sounds cool to me
Yep thats why people shouldn\'t brag about something they think they know everything about.
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The truth about MGS2 and MGSX!
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2001, 11:55:58 AM »
now this discussion is settled forever ( the MGS2 compared to MGSX ); or not maybe forever, but until they both are on the shop-shelves.

No-one can complain about MGS2 being ported to X-box anymore... Thanks BizioEE for the link, so even the worst x-box fanboy can settle this discussion down...
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The truth about MGS2 and MGSX!
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2001, 06:01:22 PM »
It seemed kinda obvious to me, why keep the game secret if it is a simple port of mgs2. I knew something was fishy, Hideo doesb\'t like the xbox that much so he\'ll give it a half assed game
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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The truth about MGS2 and MGSX!
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2001, 08:40:42 PM »
Right. So, this equals a MGS title to PS2 and Xbox. Both exclusive no doubt. Which means, MGS fans will have to buy an XBox. Good move actually.

A port--while nice, wouldn\'t of been a huge selling point. The final mission of Snakes, original Xbox title, will be a huge selling point.

Good news for both consoles really.

It seemed kinda obvious to me, why keep the game secret if it is a simple port of mgs2. I knew
                         something was fishy, Hideo doesb\'t like the xbox that much so he\'ll give it a half assed game

I truly doubt that. It reflects poorly on him and Konami if he lets his biased judgement against a system, result in a half-assed game.

Anyways, where did you hear that he doesn\'t like the Xbox? Just curious.

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The truth about MGS2 and MGSX!
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2001, 09:36:07 PM »
It seemed kinda obvious to me, why keep the game secret if it is a simple port of mgs2. I knew something was fishy, Hideo doesb\'t like the xbox that much so he\'ll give it a half assed game

LOL,LOL what a statemant to bad it\'s full of S**T. Hideo from many articals i have read, has been said to praise the xbox for it\'s ease of development, and he really likes the hardrive.  Think about it, his team could have used there creative ability towards the game instead of figuring out how to program for a half assed system(pun intented0, in which it was obvious that sony wasn\'t thinking about the developers, but instead of the tech.

None the less msg2 on psx2 will be nice i\'m sure.

Offline BizioEE

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« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2001, 01:03:02 AM »
mmm...nobody is arguing the fact MGSX will be a good game but it\'s obvious that the true sequel of MGS is MGS2 of PS2(Snake\'s final adventure)...MGSX is only a Hibrid version...yes original...but not a GAME like MGS2!:D
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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The truth about MGS2 and MGSX!
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2001, 02:22:15 AM »
Both will be excellent games (while I hate the series, I admit that). And for both companies this is an excellent move. Each one will get a MGS title for the system. Make the fans go out and buy that system to play it.

Offline Sublimesjg
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The truth about MGS2 and MGSX!
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2001, 08:01:30 AM »
actually, this was confirmed by ign today:
 Konami Kills MGSX Rumors

We\'ve gotten the official word from Konami Japan about the release of Metal Gear Solid X on Xbox.

February 5, 2001

      In the recent weeks, a lot of rumors have been spreading over the Internet with regard to the upcoming Xbox release of Metal Gear Solid. Some of these rumors have said that MGS on Xbox will be an upgraded version of the first Metal Gear Solid with some new moves for Snake from MGS2, while others have suggested that this particular piece of information is completely false.

      Since this is obviously something that\'s of interest to all fans of Metal Gear, we figured we go straight to the source and get an official statement from Konami of Japan. According to a representative from Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (KCEJ), Konami has made no official announcements on what exactly Metal Gear Solid on Xbox will entail.

      He went on to say that all (and he stressed ALL) of what people have been saying about MGS for Xbox are simply rumors and nothing more. The Metal Gear Solid team is only working on Metal Gear Solid 2 for PlayStation 2 and has nothing at all to say about MGS for Xbox at this time.

      Konami\'s representative went on to add, "This is what I hate about the Internet era. It\'s so easy for rumors to develop. It\'s created freedom of speech with anonymity."

Well, so much for that THEORY of the MGSX.
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