The article said that EA was very influential in the addition of the hard drive, the broadband adapter and a lot of the specs. I never said anything about the controller and/or the look-and-feel of the X-Box. It is already known that MS based the design on the looks of the consumer\'s gaming setups.
The controller was but ONE example of the POSSIBLE ideas EA had for the x-box dev team. The point is is that you CAN\'T be sure of what influences they had on the damn thing. For all you know, it could be as little as something as the analog sticks for EXAMPLE. Damn man, why is everything so literal with people these days?
The PS2 has already been released for phucks sake. Every inclination of a game in development is going to be announced to get people to by the system. After E3, the floodgates will be opened.
So, now, instead of the crap you were saying about the current information being false, you are now saying it will be false in the future at E3... hmm, I also seem to recall the information we are using right now is factual. Sure, after E3, lots of things will change, but right now, it\'s 30-14, simple as that. Sure, in the future I will have a wife and kids, but how many kids I will have is another story. Analogies are fun.
Do you realise how phucking stupid that statement sounds? "They said they will support them, but no official announcements have been made." LMAO. All they did was say they are supporting PS2 so I guess its not "official" yet.
Don\'t be so mental. I was referring to the games. VF4, crazy taxi, house of the dead, and sakura teisen, just to name a few... I got PS2 actual GAME announcements from sega... from the NGC\\x-box stuff, all I have is "negotiations." Sorry, I can point to numerous articles confirming that.
I don\'t know what "corporations" you have worked in but the board of directors has a lot more pull than the President. Anyone that knows anything about Nintendo knows that Yamauchi is known get up and rant about whatever is troubling him. He is more of a figurehead. Kind of like the Queen of England.
Not always true. If this guy was such a figurehead of Nintendo after saying all these things, then they would have gotten rid of him\\fired him LONG ago... but low and behold, he hasn\'t even named a successor but successfully insults Bill Gates in public interviews and yet still runs Nintendo. I dunno about you, but if ANYONE slanders another company in any way shape or form, your ass is fired or at least repremanded, but who will repremand the reperamandee? I\'m sorry, but Nintendo may be a giant gaming corporation that you love till you puke, but I can\'t forgive them for snubbing Square like that all because of a grude.