lol, i come back and i find out the xbox gpu transistor count has been cut in half...from 66million to 33million, both sony and nintendo eclipse that, 57million for flipper and 47million for EE(or is it GS?).....rather pathetic..
remember the specs were:
300million polygons
300mhz gpu
66million transistors
125million polgyons(theoretical)
250mhz gpu(failure to meet their own hype)
33million transistors(yet another failure)
i know that transistors do not mean more power but they do mean how complex a chip is and it seems geforce2, oop "nv20" is not that complex which is very pathetic and dissapointing
all this hype about it\'s graphics destroying ps2 and gcn? lol....i laugh at any idiot who still belives anything even close to that.
and in the latest kojima-san interview he said "perhaps" xbox is more power than ps2.... 3x more powerfull= perhaps micro****?...
end rant.