this is a cool article.
It helps explain the flexibility of the PS2\'s architexture.
Developers can pick and choose which effects, how much of the systems power you want to use for that effect, and not having to waste power towards effects that you do not want to use. GC and Xbox will use hardware effects which a dev can turn on or off, but the dev still cannot harness any more power from the system because an effect was not used sinced its all hardware. Either you use it or you don\'t. naturally though both Xbox and GC will be alot more dev friendly out of the gate and those systems will see there power maxed earlier in there life. Still PS2 dev\'s will get a heluva strong education, and alot of dev\'s will master the strengths of the PS2
The trade-off is developers have to learn to program there own effects which helps explains the PS2\'s larger learning curve.