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Author Topic: is it Wrong to like XBOX in a ps2 forum  (Read 1830 times)

Offline QuDDus
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is it Wrong to like XBOX in a ps2 forum
« on: March 03, 2001, 05:53:55 AM »
I like xbox but I don\'t go around boasting about it in this forum. I like ps2 that is why I got one and come here, but when somebody says something untrue about xbox and you stick up for it your called a fanboy. And when you make a vaild point about xbox vs ps2 then u get flamed. Like ddaryl being called a xbox fanboy for pointing out good points in xbox. Well it makes you look like a fanboy when somebody points out the obvious and you fail to see the truth. I like my ps2 and that is why i bought it, but I see nothing wrong with wanting a xbox. I mean just because it looks as it will be much better than ps2 is nothing to get mad about. What  makes ppl so mad when ppl point out xbox has better graphic and better features than ps2. I mean if somebody is flaming ps2 I see reasons to get upset, but if I say xbox will have broadband, and has hdd, and has faster gpu what is so upsetting about that. It all is true. I am not flaming ps2. I will support ps2 for there great games and I will definitely support xbox for the great things it has to offer.
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is it Wrong to like XBOX in a ps2 forum
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2001, 07:36:43 AM »
I agree with you 100%. If someone points out that Xbox isn\'t bad at all or that there might be some minor problems with PS2, you get called a fanboy. Pretty funny, because the people calling you that are the real fanboys. Well some people never learn I guess.
(thanks Chizzy!)

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is it Wrong to like XBOX in a ps2 forum
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2001, 09:32:14 AM »
I have noticed a lot of flaming going on because of someone liking a different console (or better worded, someone wanting another console).  This is just stupid.  Every day there is another argument that doesn\'t get anybody anywhere.  

Ddaryl has been fighting with everyone lately.  He taunts people and provokes them to continue arguing.  This is unacceptable for a mod to do.  If he was a better example to everyone, there would be a lot less arguments.

I don\'t know who starts the arguments, but I think everyone needs to be nicer and respect other people\'s oppinions.  I also need to work on this though.  I have a thing against Nintendo, and even though I will probably not get the NGC, I should at least repect other people\'s oppionions about it.
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is it Wrong to like XBOX in a ps2 forum
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2001, 09:44:38 AM »
As long as people realize their views are strict opinions and not facts, its alright. We always love a good debate but without the ignorance and fuss over which one rules the other. Its just a console!

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is it Wrong to like XBOX in a ps2 forum
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2001, 10:25:02 AM »
I just think it\'s sad if you can\'t accept more than just your favorite console. It\'s just a piece of hardware after all. There\'s always bound to be something better, faster, cheaper, better looking, whatever, out there. Why do you get called a fanboy if you like both PS2, Xbox etc? Why is that wrong? The answer is, it isn\'t. The fanboys are those who only like one console and automatically hate everything else. That\'s real fanboyism. Just because you can\'t afford - or is interested in - another console doesn\'t mean it\'s a piece of crap. I just hate that mentality and I think people have the right to stand by their opinions - members and mods alike.

I don\'t see why people are getting so upset with Ddaryl. To me he just seems to have had enough of some people\'s crap and narrowminded thoughts. I fully support his right to state his opinions; even if it offends someone. Just because you\'re a moderator doesn\'t mean you have to accept all the BS. I just hope people can understand this.
(thanks Chizzy!)

Offline QuDDus
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is it Wrong to like XBOX in a ps2 forum
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2001, 04:44:20 PM »
Originally posted by IronFist
I have noticed a lot of flaming going on because of someone liking a different console (or better worded, someone wanting another console).  This is just stupid.  Every day there is another argument that doesn\'t get anybody anywhere.  

Ddaryl has been fighting with everyone lately.  He taunts people and provokes them to continue arguing.  This is unacceptable for a mod to do.  If he was a better example to everyone, there would be a lot less arguments.

I don\'t know who starts the arguments, but I think everyone needs to be nicer and respect other people\'s oppinions.  I also need to work on this though.  I have a thing against Nintendo, and even though I will probably not get the NGC, I should at least repect other people\'s oppionions about it.

Well you can\'t go blaming Ddaryl for flaming idiots. I mean if he was not here there would still be ppl flaming and causing problems. And I don\'t think he prevokes ppl he just points out the obvious. But a lot of ppl don\'t like others saying something is better than sony. Or xbox. I just see no reason for flaming. I mean I think this is a great forum and ppl should be able to respect one anothers opinions.
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is it Wrong to like XBOX in a ps2 forum
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2001, 05:10:37 PM »
I\'ve got nothing against the Xbox or it\'s fans. I, as well as several other members of this board, are just sick and tired of people comming here to post NOTHING but Xbox new/spread negetivity about the PS2. We tend to be a bit wary of newbies who support the Xbox because we never know where the next ReverendX, XBOXISGOD, or similar fanboy is going to be comming from. We went though the same period of suspicion when we were invaded by Sega and Nintnedo Fanboys.

Generally though, I regard these forums as gaming forums - where you can post news about any console you want here. Moreover though, this IS a PS2 oriented forum so it does gets a bit tedious when you have to sift through two pages of Xbox news and opinions when trying to find the latest PS2 news and views... which is why most people come here in the first place. As long as you keep that in mind, I don\'t see why you should have any problems.

Both the Xbox and the PS2 will be kick ass gaming platforms. I see no reason why we shouldn\'t be able to discuss them in peace with each other.
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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is it Wrong to like XBOX in a ps2 forum
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2001, 07:46:54 PM »
In my personal opinion, swearing your loyality to one company is foolish. You will miss out on so many things doing that. But, I see so many people doing it. I just can\'t understand that.

I think Ddaryl was getting picked apart by some members, because he is a PS2 moderator. In their mind, they expect him to worship at a PS2 alter and defend it against everything. The very fact that he looks forward to the Xbox disturbs them. I have noticed once you become a moderator, your every move is watched and picked apart, like you are part of a cult. Just like when the first thread was closed after Sam became Mod, people assumed it was him, when it wasn\'t. But, what some people don\'t understand, is even as a moderator you are allowed opinions. I believe it is Bjorn who likes Nintendo, while MM detests Nintendo (so does Clyde!).

Another bad thing is, once you state your opinion on a console you are stated a "troll". If you disagree with someone you are either an idiot or troll. Now, while I admit,  the Console Debating section is meant for debates--which can get pretty heavy and heated. But it gets taken to far sometimes. This may be a PS2 forum, but that does not mean that everyone here adores the PS2 or worships it. Some of us, just like it for what it is, a game console. But we also like other systems. Each system caters to a different auidence (to an extent). Not everyone can enjoy the same entertainment or games. It doesn\'t mean one system is better then the other.

"Fanboy"--that is a term just threw around these boards it seems. I have been called a "fanboy" for perfering Sega consoles to any others. In my opinion, that does not make me a fanboy or anyone else. I buy other consoles and I play them. I enjoy some games on them. I may not like the console that well (i.,e N64). Still, I don\'t swear my loyality to the now defunctional Sega. I have said I\'ll buy a GameCube , but I also admit I am not excited about it. Yet, some think I am flaming it. I\'m not meaning to, if it seems that way. I am simply stating my opinion. A true "fanboy" in my opinion is someone who swears to one company, refuses to play anything else and just trashes everything else because it is different. Not someone who doesn\'t perfer a console for whatever reason, but still will admit it has some good games. I\'ll admit the N64 had some good games, while no way is the system a classic (in my opinion). That is the difference in a fanboy. A fanboy wouldn\'t admit it had some good games, wouldn\'t of stood in line on launch day for one. Basically, in my opinion, the term is threw around way to loosely. SegaCultX was a true "fanboy".

Over all though, despite my rant above, I think we have some of the best members and most tolerant.

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it just a console
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2001, 12:52:18 AM »
well i don\'t why you guys debated so much about the console for me i like to a console that have kool game.
rite now i have dream cast and playstation. and im going to buy ps2. and i have my money on xbox. see what i mean each console have their own power.

Offline QuDDus
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is it Wrong to like XBOX in a ps2 forum
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2001, 04:46:39 AM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
In my personal opinion, swearing your loyality to one company is foolish. You will miss out on so many things doing that. But, I see so many people doing it. I just can\'t understand that.

I think Ddaryl was getting picked apart by some members, because he is a PS2 moderator. In their mind, they expect him to worship at a PS2 alter and defend it against everything. The very fact that he looks forward to the Xbox disturbs them. I have noticed once you become a moderator, your every move is watched and picked apart, like you are part of a cult. Just like when the first thread was closed after Sam became Mod, people assumed it was him, when it wasn\'t. But, what some people don\'t understand, is even as a moderator you are allowed opinions. I believe it is Bjorn who likes Nintendo, while MM detests Nintendo (so does Clyde!).

Another bad thing is, once you state your opinion on a console you are stated a "troll". If you disagree with someone you are either an idiot or troll. Now, while I admit,  the Console Debating section is meant for debates--which can get pretty heavy and heated. But it gets taken to far sometimes. This may be a PS2 forum, but that does not mean that everyone here adores the PS2 or worships it. Some of us, just like it for what it is, a game console. But we also like other systems. Each system caters to a different auidence (to an extent). Not everyone can enjoy the same entertainment or games. It doesn\'t mean one system is better then the other.

"Fanboy"--that is a term just threw around these boards it seems. I have been called a "fanboy" for perfering Sega consoles to any others. In my opinion, that does not make me a fanboy or anyone else. I buy other consoles and I play them. I enjoy some games on them. I may not like the console that well (i.,e N64). Still, I don\'t swear my loyality to the now defunctional Sega. I have said I\'ll buy a GameCube , but I also admit I am not excited about it. Yet, some think I am flaming it. I\'m not meaning to, if it seems that way. I am simply stating my opinion. A true "fanboy" in my opinion is someone who swears to one company, refuses to play anything else and just trashes everything else because it is different. Not someone who doesn\'t perfer a console for whatever reason, but still will admit it has some good games. I\'ll admit the N64 had some good games, while no way is the system a classic (in my opinion). That is the difference in a fanboy. A fanboy wouldn\'t admit it had some good games, wouldn\'t of stood in line on launch day for one. Basically, in my opinion, the term is threw around way to loosely. SegaCultX was a true "fanboy".

Over all though, despite my rant above, I think we have some of the best members and most tolerant.

I agree with everything you have thus said it makes no sense to sware aligence to one gaming console. You will just miss out on so many games. And the fact that ppl get mad and wanna call you names when you point out that xbox has better technology than ps2.  I mean we like the ps2 for what it is and for the games it will have. Just because something else comes along that appears to better than ps2 does mean I am gonna dis ps2 and jump on the next waggon know. I think you can like more than one console on any forum just as long you don\'t boast about it and spam or flame the other console.
\"confucious say - he who sleeps with itchy ass wakes up with smelly fingers\".
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is it Wrong to like XBOX in a ps2 forum
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2001, 05:06:55 AM »
hey XboX guy..you seem very wise and intelligent to me...after the docwiz/reveredx attacks ,xbox fans have left a sour taste in my mouth. But you seem to be a cool xbox dood

and I agree with you 100% Console bashing sucks
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