In my personal opinion, swearing your loyality to one company is foolish. You will miss out on so many things doing that. But, I see so many people doing it. I just can\'t understand that.
I think Ddaryl was getting picked apart by some members, because he is a PS2 moderator. In their mind, they expect him to worship at a PS2 alter and defend it against everything. The very fact that he looks forward to the Xbox disturbs them. I have noticed once you become a moderator, your every move is watched and picked apart, like you are part of a cult. Just like when the first thread was closed after Sam became Mod, people assumed it was him, when it wasn\'t. But, what some people don\'t understand, is even as a moderator you are allowed opinions. I believe it is Bjorn who likes Nintendo, while MM detests Nintendo (so does Clyde!).
Another bad thing is, once you state your opinion on a console you are stated a "troll". If you disagree with someone you are either an idiot or troll. Now, while I admit, the Console Debating section is meant for debates--which can get pretty heavy and heated. But it gets taken to far sometimes. This may be a PS2 forum, but that does not mean that everyone here adores the PS2 or worships it. Some of us, just like it for what it is, a game console. But we also like other systems. Each system caters to a different auidence (to an extent). Not everyone can enjoy the same entertainment or games. It doesn\'t mean one system is better then the other.
"Fanboy"--that is a term just threw around these boards it seems. I have been called a "fanboy" for perfering Sega consoles to any others. In my opinion, that does not make me a fanboy or anyone else. I buy other consoles and I play them. I enjoy some games on them. I may not like the console that well (i.,e N64). Still, I don\'t swear my loyality to the now defunctional Sega. I have said I\'ll buy a GameCube , but I also admit I am not excited about it. Yet, some think I am flaming it. I\'m not meaning to, if it seems that way. I am simply stating my opinion. A true "fanboy" in my opinion is someone who swears to one company, refuses to play anything else and just trashes everything else because it is different. Not someone who doesn\'t perfer a console for whatever reason, but still will admit it has some good games. I\'ll admit the N64 had some good games, while no way is the system a classic (in my opinion). That is the difference in a fanboy. A fanboy wouldn\'t admit it had some good games, wouldn\'t of stood in line on launch day for one. Basically, in my opinion, the term is threw around way to loosely. SegaCultX was a true "fanboy".
Over all though, despite my rant above, I think we have some of the best members and most tolerant.