I support this system a 100%, as it is the only next generation system with a true original idea. Allowing free SDK is one of the greatest and most brave moves any company could take. Sony tested the water, but over-charged for the Net Yaroze package for the original PS, so Indreama will give those people a chance to make the games for free.
Combine that with all the extra features and an upgradable CPU and so on, and its an excellent idea.
Problem? It isn\'t a true game console in some senses. In alot of ways, it is more a mini-computer, a low end computer. Which is how it should be marketed, in which case, it could very well be a great product. But, sold as a true game console it doesn\'t stand a chance. Indreama doesn\'t have have enough third party developers, games in development or money to throw around. Really, it is a sad fact. But, maybe, we can hope, that a bigger company takes note of some of the brave innovations that INDREAMA is taking. Mainly the free SDK.
Still, I\'ll get one. But the fact is, it will fail.