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Author Topic: ps2 failing!  (Read 2001 times)

Offline Draka
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ps2 failing!
« on: March 05, 2001, 09:28:09 PM »
Why is it failing?

1.)Crap games !
2.)Nothing new!
3.)No Net Support for time!
4.)Ugly??? Dam right

I like ps2, sort of! I was well happy when i got it but now it dusty and my Dreamcast is what i play on, Why HAve Sony Been so stupid, Yes sales was big at start but now there dropping and no one really wants to fork out for it coz its so bad ! Yes there r good games ! but they have already done alot of damage , Game Developers Are mAd as hell at sony ! And some may with hold games which are not contracted yet! I can not see Anyone apart from Xbox really taking the market away from Sega ? Can you ? No one can offer much more? Without the online stuff the other consles really r Dullllllllll ....... What a waste of time ninlamer !Stop now and give all your money to me !=)) NinTendo{Ninlamer} Are the wrost company ever ! BAN theM !

Ummmmm Wellllllll I just had to share my thoughts With some people! I wana hear how you think the market will swing!


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ps2 failing!
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2001, 09:47:17 PM »
I think that each console will grab significant shares of the market and we won\'t have a clear winner this time.

PS2 developers are hardly mad.  If they are, they\'ll get over it.  I don\'t think too many people would ignore 6 million potential customers.

Offline Draka
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PROTEnTIAL Being the word
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2001, 09:49:18 PM »
Protential being the word, If Sony carry on like this there gonna loose alot more cash than the already have done !!!

Offline IronFist
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Re: PROTEnTIAL Being the word
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2001, 10:19:45 PM »
Originally posted by Draka
Protential being the word, If Sony carry on like this there gonna loose alot more cash than the already have done !!!

Protential isn\'t a word. :)

Don\'t worry about the game shortage.  Sony has got things covered.  Here are some new games coming out this year that I am really looking forward to.

Devil May Cry
Baldur\'s Gate: Dark Alliance
Wipeout Fusion
Metal Gear Solid 2
Grand Theft Auto 3
Dark Cloud
Red Faction
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2
Silent Hill 2
Final Fantasy X

All of these games are probably going to be really good, unless the developers screw the game up at the last minute or something.  There are other games too, like RE4, VF4, T4, and SC2, but I\'m not sure if those are coming out this year.

The PS2\'s sales will pick up when there are more cool games out for it.  I think this June is going to be when the most are sold, even though March is the relaunch month.  June is when TM:Black and GT3 are coming out, and I couldn\'t be more thrilled.
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ps2 failing!
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2001, 10:39:55 PM »

What games you have for ps2?

Offline Living-In-Clip

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ps2 failing!
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2001, 12:59:33 AM »
The PS2 is still a "baby". Give it time. It has to crawl before it walks man. Yes, I expected alittle bit more in the first 5-6 months then I\'ve seen so far. But, I look at the games coming out, like ZOE and I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Remember, it took the DC around six months before it got the real killer titles (Resident Evil: Code Veronica, anyone?). You can\'t judge the console by the time it just started.

The DC didn\'t have \'net play at first either. Though, it did have the 56k modem, still, SegaNet was not online at the time and wasn\'t for a full year after launch. So, you cannot really trash the PS2 for that "mistake".

The "nothing new". Well, you win that one. But at the same time, not many original titles come around for any platform. Sure, Shenmue was original and so was Jet Grind Radio. But, totally original games are very rare.

PS2 ugly? No way. The GameCube is ugly. But it doesn\'t really matter. It is just a system. Anyways, the DC doesn\'t exactly do "something" for me.;)

Still, until ZOE, RE 4, Oniumsha, WipeOut, Klona 2, Rayman 3 and other games come out, the DC is the platform of choice, for me. But, once the above mentioned titles come out, I\'ll be more then happy to sit and play PS2 non-stop. Bright side is, alot of the above mentioned games should be out within the year.:)

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ps2 failing!
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2001, 08:16:50 AM »
Yes the PS2 still has a lot of growing to do...

with some more time it will be a great system with great games - i am not saying this because i bought one and like it but becuase this is the same with all new systems

people want to wait till their is some great stuff and then they will jump on board of a system

just be paitient becuase their are many great games coming out this year and i am sure the years to come
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ps2 failing!
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2001, 09:02:04 AM »
Draka since your high mental functions can\'t grasp the concept of not posting flamebait, and on top of that, not posting the same thing in two forums, this topic is now closed.

Kudos to all of you who responded politely and tolerantly to this post.


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