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Author Topic: What does evryone think of there PS2?  (Read 2261 times)

Offline koolkev
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PS2 second to none
« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2001, 12:08:58 PM »
man you all are nutz, this console is every bit as good as it has been hyped up to be!!  its definately the best console to date, no question. madden2001 and knockout kings2001 are simply the to best console games ever made, best graphics and game play to date. the scary thing is its just getting started,try and imagine how the games for ps2 will be next year, its an awsome thought! but anyone who owns a ps2 is definately gotta be 110% saticfied , its those who didnt get one and say they know someone who has one that say it hasn\'t lived up to its hype. But only the owners  can really tell how good it is and believe me its second to none! no doubt about it!
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Offline ooseven
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What does evryone think of there PS2?
« Reply #16 on: March 12, 2001, 03:18:50 AM »
Superb, and thats even playing the launch titles and demos i have, plus the ability to play my old PSX games is just sweet :D.

yup i can still play the latest PS2 games and then go back to playing FFIX when i have the time :D.
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What does evryone think of there PS2?
« Reply #17 on: March 12, 2001, 03:38:22 AM »
Overhyped and the early games do not impress as the dreamcast did in the same stage.

But there is a learning curve, and will only get better year after year.
I met him 15 years ago, I was told there was nothing left, no reason, no concious, no understanding and even the most rudamentory sense of life or death, good or evil, right or wrong, I met this 6 year old child with this blang pale emotionless face and, the blackest eyes, the devils eyes, I spent 8 years trying to reach him, and then another 7 trying to keep him locked up because I realised what was living behind that boys eyes was purly and simply evil.

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