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Author Topic: isn\'t fighting over gaming machines really stupid.  (Read 1250 times)

Offline QuDDus
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isn\'t fighting over gaming machines really stupid.
« on: March 17, 2001, 05:44:29 AM »
The dumbest thing anyone can do is fight over something that does not even belong to them. Video games are made for video game fans. The more machines the better experience it will be for the fans. Having just one would be the most horrible gaming experince you ever want to see. Having two would bring competition, but having 3 brings even more. And the higher the competition is. The better it is for us fans. I mean you should want to see these game developers achieve superb graphic because it only makes it more exciting for us fans.  And ppl downing MS pic or sonys not so up to par graphics. Well those type of ppl are ignorant and don\'t nothing about gaming experience. No matter what company makes a game on what console it will in the end bring the gaming industry to higher hieghts and make the gaming experience so much better.  That why I find it very stupid when I see ppl fighting over playstation, Microsoft, and nintendo. I mean that is just so dumb. How ignorant can you be. Not  knowing that these video game console where made for all fans. And if you don\'t like a certain one then don\'t get it. It is easier to criticize because there is not that many console to choose from. If ppl had  been bias and unreasonble 17 years ago. There would not have been a nes, thus there would be no playstation. There are enough hypocrites outside the gaming industry to see so many fans and industry ppl being such bias fools. Well I am all up for any game experience that appeals to me no matter who it comes from and pledging my allegiance to one perticular gaming console well I find that dumb and those type of ppl are not needed in the gaming industry which is criticized enough  as it is.
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