Well, today was the big Quake 3 tournament in Tucson over at the \'Tucson Mall\'. In-between rounds and matches my friend and I just walked around the mall. Onimusha was set up at Software ETc. so we played that a little bit (on one of those crappy LCD screens though). This is where it happened.
You see, my friend is a massive XBox fan. I mean MAJOR! Well, some guy came in and asked if he could reserve the XBox. The worker said that they weren\'t taking reservations and then gave the guy his \'personal advice\' to just wait for May when they show more on the GameCube. He said not to count it out. I personally think that it was good advice. Anyway, my friend got ticked and said, "Don\'t count GameCube out? The XBox is way more powerful then the GameCube!" They got into a little argument and so on. I thought it was pretty funny.
On a side note, my friend is actually a low-level Microsoft employee so he is going to get to test the system a few months before it even comes out. He\'s actually also seen stuff running on the system itself. I think that was pretty cool. This kind of explains why he\'s such a huge fan. Don\'t get me wrong though, he\'s also a big Nintendo fan for \'Metroid\' only (he\'d buy the GC for Metroid...he hates Zelda though). He is also going to get a PS2 as soon as school is out. He told me his reason is because it\'s getting a bunch of games exclusively that he really wants. So he\'s not just biased towards the XBOX.
Well, back to the story...Another employee, a friend of mine is a mjor PS2 fan, as well as I am, so we joined in the argument about how it\'s all about games, blah, blah, blah, and so on. It was just funny because the whole time their was like a crowd of people around us just wondering what the heck was going on. Of course, none of us swayed each others oppinions about anything. It was just good and fun arguing. Sorry, this kinda dragged out...maybe you just had to be there to think it was funny.....
Oh yeah, my friend told me that one of the other employees over at Microsoft told him that they were planning to launch the XBox with a price of $150. He told me they\'d expect massive losses but just try to get it back through software. Sounds kinda familiar, hmm...PS2 and Sony! Of course this loss would be much worse for Bill. I don\'t know about you guys but I wasn\'t planning on getting XBox at least for a couple years. I still won\'t if it\'s expensive, unless they get a mass storm of games I really like really soon, but if it launches at $150 I am all over that. That would be one amazing price...I think that\'s why it may just be an internal employee false rumor. I guess we\'ll just have to wait until E3.