If anyone is interested in this game anymore. But this is new to me, and new to our country. Just came in, they said.
I bought this nonetheless, as I thought this would be very good game; as I\'m into mech-games. I just couldn\'t wait for ZOE as I asked when the store-owner would get it, and he didn\'t know. "Not soon", he replied. So I thought buying this, for quite a good price, and then save for ZOE and get it when it comes ( I will have money for it soon ).
Actually this is First Impressions, as I haven\'t had time to play the game much. Only few first missions. So I haven\'t really got into the game yet, and I will post my review of the game later. If you\'re willing to read this whole post, I\'m pleased.
( I read some reviews and there\'s this talk about Analog-sticks, that this game doesn\'t use them, but heck, it does; or am I completely misunderstood something? )
The first thing that struck me was the awesome opening movie. I loved it, and it is very well done, to say the least. I got the feeling that this could be a very good game...
Well, the menus are cool, as well. This isn\'t an important matter, but a nice detail still. So, the training-mission starts, and is quite easy; and doesn\'t show the power of the game yet. It is quite lame, but it\'s the training-mission nonetheless. The graphics, wich are truly top-notch, are the first things you notice.
Then, you notice the beautiful movement of the AC you\'re controlling, and how the light shines off from the Armour. It\'s really sweet, eye-candy, and the best graphics I\'ve seen in a ps2-game. I\'m not saying the graphics would be better than, to say, Bouncer or Zoe, but I haven\'t seen those games so I can\'t compare them.
Then there\'s the pure enjoyment of shooting other AC\'s. It\'s just beautiful. And the mech\'s... they move like they should! Some reviewers complain about the slowness of turning - well, I don\'t. I think it\'s great, and done for a purpose, as you now have more strategistic points to give to an attack; you really have to think where from you attack and how - you gotta have fast reflexes and sharp mind - as you\'re slow on turning and 180 degrees turn could get you almost killed when you\'re facing an hard opponent.
Then I noticed the Arena -section of the game, after I became a raven. I love the little detail of getting mail, as well. I challenge the first AC on the Arena-ladder, and beat it - it was really tight battle. I love this Arena-section as well; and when you\'ve truly updated your mech to look like one heavy machinery, I think this will be 10 times more enjoying - this arena addition.
The first missions are overly easy ( the first two ), and I go trough them without really bad problems. But I can judge that this will be a difficult game even from these first missions.
But, that\'s it for the first impressions. In a nutshell: I love this game, whether there\'s Zoe coming soon or not - and I think I made the right decision when buying this over Oni, wich felt quite good; but I got so many warnings that you get bored to it fast, that I let go of the plan to buy it.
Thanks for reading this rather long post.