MVC2 is fun for simple pointless gameplay. No self-respecting Street Fighter guru would find himself claiming and betting on that game. Still, its a fun game to play .
In my opinion, the whole 3D fighters are sort of boring. Virtua Fighter kicks ass , somewhat. Tekken is fun, but seems to "random" for me. I like the game, don\'t get me wrong. I buy each one, but I have grown tired of them. Still, there is some skill required in Tekken, as I have been subjected to playing button mashers and beat them. And it is by no means easy to get a full 10 hit combo off alot of times.
On the other hand, the DOA series is button mashing. Sure, you can counter button mashers, but countering in that game is so easy its pointless. Take two DOA "gurus" (if there is such a thing with that series) and it will be nothing but countering. Lets face it, the game got popular because of the bouncing boobs..err..polygons.
Personally, in my opinion anything with automatic or pre-deterimed combos sucks ass. Killer Instinct? Blah. Mortal Kombat 3 and so on? Ugh! Chain Combo\'s are where its at. That is why Capcom makes the finest fighting games out there.
A good Street Fighter player will clean house with a button masher.
And if you want to talk about original fighting games ? Two game series come to mind.
Bushido Blade.
Tobal No 1 & 2.