I have complete faith in nintendo this time around. The N64 failed for a reason, I\'ve argued this so many times I can\'t be bothered writing out all the reasons again, and also that\'s not what\'s being discussed. The reason Nintendo aren\'t being discussed so much is because of a few reasons. Firstly, they\'re so damn secretive, they keep their info air tight, and release it when they want. So really, when they finally release a big piece of news it\'s all over discussion boards but in those big spans of time when nothing new arises there really isn\'t a lot to talk about.
Also, Nintendo really did slide with the N64. Because it\'s seen as a "kiddie" system (a reputation i can see the origins of, but can\'t don\'t really accept myself), and PSX was seen as a new breed of system, which eventually made gaming more mainstream than it ever was, people started paying more attention to it (PSX). It really targeted those gamers that had been there from the start but were grown up and ready for more mature experiences, and it was a "grittier" system overall. Like I said it made gaming far more mainstream than it had ever been, and so brought a lot of attention about itself. Naturally then, the ps2 was always gonna draw attention.
As for MS, the reason it\'s so widely discussed is the fact that their entry has arguably been the most controversial in the history of the industry. MS has had a reputation for being the dominating software company in the world of PC\'s for a long time, and also havea reputation for being ruthless, and wanting to take every market they set their eyes on. So it was natural that they got a lot of attention. Basically the XBox was a system you could easily form an opinion on RIGHT from the start.
a tiny bit off track... but what I\'m getting at is you can see why these two machines got so much attention. In the wake of the N64, which so many people rejeccted, you can also see why Nintendo slid out of the publics view somewhat. That\'s a reason why they\'re hardly talked about....