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Which is the best next-gen console out so far?

ega Dreamcast
6 (33.3%)
ony Playstation 2
12 (66.7%)

Total Members Voted: 14

Author Topic: "Yay or Nay 2"  (Read 2815 times)

Offline Joker
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"Yay or Nay 2"
« Reply #15 on: April 16, 2001, 01:11:39 AM »
Jesus Nplayer, what was the point of starting an argument?

*sigh* I didn\'t even read all of it. I just have to ask you what was the point of starting an argument for absolutely no reason?

like for christ sakes dude, grow up. I don\'t mean to offend but for god sakes that was childish.
\"do we seriously have to shut down every thread that doesn\'t start out gay? Only threads you guys don\'t fuck up are the ones that start gay anyway.\"Videoholic

Offline BizioEE

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"Yay or Nay 2"
« Reply #16 on: April 16, 2001, 01:24:02 AM »
  • 1 -  Nay  - SSX,Madden 2001,Time Splitters,TTT
  • 2 -  Yay...Yeah!!  Devil May Cry,Soul Revear 2,FFX,FFXI,FFXII,Baldur\'s Gate: Dark Alliance,Silent Hill 2,MGS2,Dropship,The Getaway,Formula One 2001,Twisted Metal Black,Wipeout Fusion,The Lost,The Next Lara,Herdy Gerdy,Red Faction,Half-Life,Test Drive Off-Road: Wide Open,Tekken 4,Virtua Fighter 4,Soul Calibur 2,AC4,The New Moto GP,The New RR,Maximo,RE 4,Naughty Dog\'s Games,Insomniacs\'s Games,The secret CodeMaster\'s racing games,ISS Pro Evo 2(PS2 version:D),Madden 2002,SSX DVD,GT4 :D:D:D and several others ;)...wait until the E3.
  • 3 -  Yay!!!
  • 4 -  Nay...by now...but things could change !
  • 5 -  Nay
  • 6 -  Yay...it\'s really an interesting Game!
  • 7 -  Yay...Mario!
  • 8 -  Yay...I\'ve just got a PS2 ;)
  • 9 -  Nay
  • 10 -  Yay!
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Girl: What power… beyond my expectations?
Demon: No… the legendary Sparda!?
Dante: You\'re right, but I\'m his son Dante!

Offline M4
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"Yay or Nay 2"
« Reply #17 on: April 16, 2001, 02:09:09 AM »
They(broadband/HDD) could have a big effect on gaming?...are you listening to your self?...ever heard of DOOM? how about QUAKE?..or even Counter-stirke?...They are PC games that were playable on-line LONG before any console had on-line access..not only that but they can and were moded and still are to this day....something that is impossible on the xbox..

You make it seem as if the xbox will revolutionize gaming with it\'s BB and HDD...you(sadly) do not realize that it\'s already been taken advantage of LONG AGO on the PC.

It should be common sense that I was refering to the console gaming market. I realize this has been done on PC, but it has never been done on a console before. It\'s revolutionary for a console, and I believe future consoles will take advantage of what hard drives and built in modems have to offer as well.

LOL...okay...they have had like 5 major shows all over the world...hyped their graphics and specs far beyond what sony did...reveal every game developer and game coming to the public MONTHS before they are to launch..and you call this an "adventure"?? what adventure? we know every damn thing about the xbox.

You missed my point. And the sarcasm in your reply made you sound like a total oaf, congratularions.

Microsoft is new to the industry, hence initially, nothing was preestablished. Sony and Nintendo.. you knew from the start most what to expect, from their past consoles. Microsoft.. there was nothing known as far as what to expect. Considering how Microsoft has been pretty open with their things, Xbox seems to have the more interesting timeline. Not all of the things on this timeline are good, however--a lot of it is bad for Microsoft\'s entry to the console market. I\'m merely saying that Xbox attracts my attention more often than other consoles simply because there is more to give attention to.

In all reality, what I\'ve said here would have applied far more a few months ago than it does now.

More to await?....so i guess nintendo has NOTHING coming correct? yup..that\'s the ticket..lets just throw everything we wanted to know about nintendo and their gamecube out the window

Remove "await." I was thinking more along the lines of scattered news things. Instead of long periods of nothing, there is news scattered about frequently. Instead of getting all news at E3, news is spread throughout, as you said, 5 trade shows.

Things are less.. boring with Xbox. Disappointments included, however.


I\'m not looking at this as "Xbox is solid excitment, you get a constant stream of awesome news about it daily!" Please don\'t infer that from this, that would be totally wrong and reflect me in a totally different way than I intend. What I\'d really like to say here.. I\'m having trouble putting it down to where it sounds right. Don\'t blatantly flame me for what I have said here, because it could easliy be misinterpreted.

In fact, perhaps this would be best if we dropped it. Such things like this, that I have trouble putting down in words, generally end up getting misinterpreted and becoming pointless arguments that drag on and on forever.

It would not bother me in the least if you simply disregarded this and the response to the whole "adventure" thing. Really, feel free to--it would save both of us some time. It\'d also save you the humiliation of totally misinterpreting what I am trying to say, and save the repitition of me having to reexplain it all.

Disregard anything above or below the area I speak of.. then I may become somewhat angered.

Its good that you agree with the majority of gamers.

Your next door neighbor, the kid in your history class who picks his nose, your older cousin, and the old guy in the alley are not the majority of gamers. You don\'t know the majority of gamers. You can\'t speak for the majority of gamers.

Of course, neither can I. For all we know, you could be right.. the majority of gamers don\'t give a damn about Munch\'s Oddysee. Of course, for all we know, you could easily also be wrong.

So what is the point? i guess that was your little(and pathetic) attempt to make the GCN look bad or "limited" compared to xbox.

You exagerative, word manipulating freak. I\'m not saying the Gamecube is bad or limited in any way at all whatsoever. I\'m simply saying that I\'d rather get a DVD player and a gaming console than just a gaming console. This does not mean that I think Gamecube is inferior to Xbox, I\'d just prefer getting a DVD player also. I still plan on getting a Gamecube completely regardless of this because I like what Nintendo has to offer.


if an "all round fellow" thinks the GCN is bad and not worth getting because it lacks features found on the PC and xbox(it\'s obvious you assume this) then i guess i\'m an angel.

Read above. I love how you blow up words so much. You could capture a 2 inch minnow and claim it\'s a 5 foot great white shark that has teeth 4 feet longer than normal and can fly due to radiation from nuclear tests in Asia.

Saying I am at all biased against Nintendo is a load of crap. I\'ve bought every Nintendo console to date, I\'ve owned 4 Game Boys of differing styles (5, once Game Boy Advance is released), and plan to get a Gamecube. I don\'t know what the hell you draw such horribly moronic inferences from.

also, the xbox is aimed at the PC user-base...so i must defend the PC.

But the Xbox does not compete with the PC in any way. The Xbox competes with Playstation 2 and Gamecube, and it is trying to draw an audience from the PC\'s userbase. But it does not compete with the PC in any way, it isn\'t going to actually take the PC\'s users away. It\'ll merely draw them into the console world as well. The PC market is pretty much seperate from the console market, similar to the handheld market. It doesn\'t compete with consoles, though it focuses around videogames.

I must ask: Why did you do this? You\'re wasting so much of our time by arguing me in a topic like this. If this was a topic where we were discussing things, I could see it as okay for you to argue me (of course). But we were just supposed to answer questions here.

Had you simply answered the questions, I wouldn\'t have done this to you.

By the by: You\'re a nimrod.
the earthquake hits the theater
but the operetta lingers
then the piano lid comes down
and breaks his ****ing fingers

Offline Nplayer-2
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"Yay or Nay 2"
« Reply #18 on: April 16, 2001, 03:59:36 AM »
It should be common sense that I was refering to the console gaming market. I realize this has been done on PC, but it has never been done on a console before. It\'s revolutionary for a console, and I believe future consoles will take advantage of what hard drives and built in modems have to offer as well.

Revolutionary? how? just because you can add your music into a game? just because you can save games on it?..how is this revolutionary?..also, nintendo was the first to try and bring the HDD concept to gamers with the 64DD..so either way microsoft never has or will being nothing new to console gaming.

the aging and dead sega dreamcast has a built in modem and was the first to bring on-line gaming to consoles(or was it saturn?)....xbox brings nothing new.

You missed my point

no, you did;)

Microsoft is new to the industry, hence initially, nothing was preestablished.

But now it is....we know everything about xbox..all it\'s games technology everything...there is nothing new about them any more.

Sony and Nintendo.. you knew from the start most what to expect, from their past consoles.

PSX=exclusive third parties
PS2=third parties not exclusive save a select few(the important ones)

N64=no third parties
GN=many more this time

you sir are totally wrong...the PS2 and GCN are and still are unknowns...

Microsoft.. there was nothing known as far as what to expect. Considering how Microsoft has been pretty open with their things, Xbox seems to have the more interesting timeline. Not all of the things on this timeline are good, however--a lot of it is bad for Microsoft\'s entry to the console market. I\'m merely saying that Xbox attracts my attention more often than other consoles simply because there is more to give attention to.

LOL..boy, you think your slick don\'t you?...WE KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT XBOX ALREADY...how is this even an advantage for xbox? that is your opinion and is worth nothing...a ENTIRE NATION(japan) has little to no intrest in the xbox(proven fact) i\'ll rather listen to a few million gamers in the world than a xbox zealot....

In all reality, what I\'ve said here would have applied far more a few months ago than it does now.


seriously it would and still applies to nintendo..we REALLY don\'t know anything about GCN...but since you are bias towards xbox i can see why you ignore it.

Remove "await." I was thinking more along the lines of scattered news things. Instead of long periods of nothing, there is news scattered about frequently. Instead of getting all news at E3, news is spread throughout, as you said, 5 trade shows.

so why did you insist on ignoring nintendo and the GCN? we sure do know everything about the hardware hu?;rolleyes: and Mario looks fantastic and plays awesome correct?:rolleyes: if anyone is "new: it\'s nintendo...we know nothing about them.

Things are less.. boring with Xbox. Disappointments included, however.

boring? what\'s so exciting with xbox? is the sexy xbox shoes j.allard sports around trade shows? the sinister hair piece bill gates tries to hide?:laughing: give me a break.


It would not bother me in the least if you simply disregarded this and the response to the whole "adventure" thing. Really, feel free to--it would save both of us some time. It\'d also save you the humiliation of totally misinterpreting what I am trying to say, and save the repitition of me having to reexplain it all.

please do..i\'m still trying to understand how a person on the internet wants or HAS had a "adventure" with the xbox.:laughing:

Your next door neighbor, the kid in your history class who picks his nose, your older cousin, and the old guy in the alley are not the majority of gamers. You don\'t know the majority of gamers. You can\'t speak for the majority of gamers.

I am a gamer and i can speak for the gamers...i do not slant either which way because i support the PC not limited consoles...my opinion can be taken as fact....millions of gamers in the Nation of japan do not care about xbox..that should be proof enough.

the majority of gamers don\'t give a damn about Munch\'s Oddysee.


You exagerative, word manipulating freak. I\'m not saying the Gamecube is bad or limited in any way at all whatsoever. I\'m simply saying that I\'d rather get a DVD player and a gaming console than just a gaming console. This does not mean that I think Gamecube is inferior to Xbox, I\'d just prefer getting a DVD player also. I still plan on getting a Gamecube completely regardless of this because I like what Nintendo has to offer.

so why contradict your self M4? at NN you treated the fact that GCN was games only as baby jesus...yet damned the satan him self PS2 for being a set-top-box...yet here we are supporting the xbox even tho it\'s a set-top-box....please, either stay with one opinion or shut up.

Also...are you talking about the add-on dvd player for xbox? it\'s not built in...i hope you know that or maybe you are talking about the PS2 dvd player?

This also shows you do not care much about nintendo...why worry about a dvd player(when you will have 2 with the xbox and PS2) and  worry about how long it will take to play the next mario game? or zelda game? or the new games myiamoto is making?


I don\'t know what the hell you draw such horribly moronic inferences from.

look above.

But the Xbox does not compete with the PC in any way. The Xbox competes with Playstation 2 and Gamecube, and it is trying to draw an audience from the PC\'s userbase. But it does not compete with the PC in any way, it isn\'t going to actually take the PC\'s users away. It\'ll merely draw them into the console world as well. The PC market is pretty much seperate from the console market, similar to the handheld market. It doesn\'t compete with consoles, though it focuses around videogames.

For an xbox zealot you really don\'t know much about xbox...go read some interviews with the xbox team...their goal is simple...get a niche(stolen) piece of the PC market and build from their...The xbox does not compete with PC gaming?...i\'m still trying to get over the shocking of hearing such unfounded claim.

xbox CPU=Intel
PC cpu=intel

Xbox graphics=Nvidia
PC graphics=nvidia

xbox main developers=PC developers
PC main developers=PC developers

Notice how Intel and Nvidia are the market leaders(dominators)? so don\'t bring up Ati or AMD.

Not to meantion their killer-aaa game(halo) comes from PC developers..

To think the xbox is not trying to steal some of not all the PC gaming pie is stupid plain and simple...

I\'m sorry you are blind and cannot see the truth, while a select few..my self included..are privy to the truth.
. I\'ve said it before and I\'ll say it again, in terms of ingenuity, exclusivity, and console competition, X-Box brings nothing to the table except a fat wad of cash and some rehashed PC components wrapped with a DC controller and a plastic black box.----RYU

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« Reply #19 on: April 16, 2001, 05:04:36 AM »
N-Player... Open a new thread, could you?
August 26th, 2002.

Offline M4
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Re: Idiot...
« Reply #20 on: April 16, 2001, 10:39:13 AM »
Originally posted by Saotome
N-Player... Open a new thread, could you?

Done. :)
the earthquake hits the theater
but the operetta lingers
then the piano lid comes down
and breaks his ****ing fingers


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