Ahhhhhhhh .........you can always jude a man by the quality of his enemys, thats why i have made it my lifes work to upset and annoy these very powerful people.
- G W Bush
- Tony Blair
- The U.N.
- Saddam
- Dr No
- MM.......errrrrmmmm oooppppppssss my secret plan has leaked out :crying: only j/k
- N player 2 (not powerful or wise or anything but i like annoyuing him anyway) .
- Bill gates
- Sony
- Nintendo
- Gravity
- Time
- Space
what ever or who ever your enemy is, how do you dispose of them ?
my Personal Fav is plan 101B
ah that brings back memorys :D.
ok what you do is invite your enemy round for dinner and act as if your best friends, but when the time is right usually around the main corse ..................
BANG the old FORK in the EYE !!!!!
i have tryed it and it works ...
if you don\'t beleve me then answer this one.......
why dose Bill gates have a GLASS EYE ?
oooooooppppppppppppppsssssssss another of my secrets has let slip.
mental note to self perform plan 101b on anyone who replyes .