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Author Topic: 8 games for Japanese GC launch?  (Read 19851 times)

Offline ElAsesino
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8 games for Japanese GC launch?
« on: April 26, 2001, 04:25:15 AM »

"Eight Gamecube Launch Titles?  4/25/01 13:01  
According to Nintendo GAMECUBE - News Page, there will be just eight Gamecube games available for the system\'s launch in Japan.
The site, which got its news from the Japanese website GameSpace21.com, reports that four or five of these will come from Nintendo and its second-party studios, while Capcom, Namco and Konami will also ship launch titles.

A Nintendo spokesperson could neither confirm nor deny this news, but said that it is probably just speculation since Nintendo won\'t announce its plans until E3 next month. "

I don\'t know about them, but that sounds good to me.  It\'s a lot better than the 2 launch titles for the N64.  If this turns out to be true, then I\'ll expect 10-12 GC titles at the American Launch.
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Offline Nplayer-2
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8 games for Japanese GC launch?
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2001, 06:30:07 AM »
How many people bought the 25 PS2 launch games? or even 20? how about 15? how about 10? hell..how about 5?

8-10 would be just right...but we all know Mario will sell 1:1 with gamecube consoles ;)
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8 games for Japanese GC launch?
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2001, 06:46:22 AM »
I think it was said that Gamecube would launch in the states with no more than 12-15 games.  

I think some will be-

Perfect Dark 2
Wave Race 2
1080 2
Resident Evil 0
Madden 2002

Even if it\'s any three of those, I\'m set for launch and about a 2 months beyond...

Offline BizioEE

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8 games for Japanese GC launch?
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2001, 06:59:26 AM »
What\'s the problem...when 8 games on NGC count a lot more than 80 games on the X-Box :D:D:D:D

Mario is enough to buy a GameCube....my opinion obviously...and other 2 or 3 games of the same quality will force BizioEE to buy the GC with 3-4 launch games ! :)
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Offline M4
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8 games for Japanese GC launch?
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2001, 12:47:23 PM »
Originally posted by Nplayer-2
but we all know Mario will sell 1:1 with gamecube consoles ;)

Well, maybe, or maybe not. It\'s certainly high priority for me, but there are some other Gamecube games that I anticipate more. I\'ll probably still get Mario at launch regardless, though. :)

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Offline Kituka
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8 games for Japanese GC launch?
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2001, 03:26:02 PM »
That "mediocre, pathetic, AOL fansite" delivers the best news and delivers them before almost all of the big boys. Christ, pay attention to the news they post- you ALWAYS find them posted later by the big boys.

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8 games for Japanese GC launch?
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2001, 07:11:26 PM »
8 launch games for Japan? That sounds pretty impressive to me since Nintendo always has great games available for launch.

Here is some guesses on what games they might be.

1. A Pokemon game
2. A Mario game
3. Bioharzard:0

The rest are all unknown...Nintendo will show the launch titles at E3 and hopefully they won\'t disapoint.

Offline Darth Joyda
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8 games for Japanese GC launch?
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2001, 07:51:06 PM »
If I\'m going to buy GameCube, i\'m going to buy it for the new Mario - and so forth I don\'t care about the other launch titles ( well, if perfect dark 2 is one - then... :) ).

The thing just is that I won\'t have enough money, as I\'m going to buy GBA and I think my money will be spent into PS2 and GBA-games in the future, meaning that I\'ll have to wait for certainly a longer time to get a GC than, say, Ginko ;)
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8 games for Japanese GC launch?
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2001, 11:37:03 PM »
"How many people bought the 25 PS2 launch games? or even 20? how about 15? how about 10? hell..how about 5?

8-10 would be just right...but we all know Mario will sell 1:1 with gamecube consoles" - Jumpman

The point of having a large group of launch titles is not to get everyone to buy every title... it\'s to get some games which cover a large variety of tastes at the launch in order to pull in a larger croud. I mean, they may have been mediocer.. but Sony did have their bases covered genre wise. Compair that to the N64 launch which only had two games.. and it\'s not a wonder why Mario64 had a 1:1 sellthough rate... it was the only one available aside from Pilotwings64 (?).

Now on the flip side, 8 games isn\'t bad. Most people who buy Nintnedo at launch do so for their franchises, and as long as Nintnedo gets a decent variety of recognisable and quality titles out (Mario, WaveRacer, Metroid, Zelda, ect) then they shouldn\'t have much to worry about. It should be smooth sailing for them as long as they can keep a steady flow of new games comming to the system after that.
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8 games for Japanese GC launch?
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2001, 11:40:45 AM »
I bought more than 8-10 PS2 games at launch.... but they weren\'t as fun as Mario 64 at N64\'s launch. It just goes to show you.... hmmm, I forgot were I was going with this....
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8 games for Japanese GC launch?
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2001, 12:19:55 PM »
8-10 would be just right...but we all know Mario will sell 1:1 with gamecube consoles" - Jumpman

The point of having a large group of launch titles is not to get everyone to buy every title... it\'s to get some games which cover a large variety of tastes at the launch in order to pull in a larger croud.

I never said that...

Anyhoo, while 8-10 games may seem small it\'s actually a great number for Nintendo since they have never had a launch with more than two games available(with the exception of GBA). It will probably cover the main genres though. And I wouldn\'t mind having three launch titles to tell you the truth. Mario and After Dark would last me for over 5 months easily.

But I don\'t expect them to launch with just 8-10 titles, the number will most likely be 15-20. They said their 1st and 2nd parties will put out around ten and with 3d parties then that number will increase.

Well at e3 will know for sure which titles will be launch( After Dark better be a launch title...).

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8 games for Japanese GC launch?
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2001, 01:04:26 PM »
No doubt about it that i am going to get PD2 i loved Pd i put about 1000 hours into that game with the single player and mostly those long days and nights of playing multiplayer with a bunch of my friends i had over 100000 kills and used over 500000 bullets haha i love those stats they give u........... man that kicked ass.

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8 games for Japanese GC launch?
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2001, 01:07:56 PM »
Resident evil 0, Zelda, Mario, ect ect. All great great games. And it\'s worth getting a gamecube for.
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8 games for Japanese GC launch?
« Reply #13 on: May 01, 2001, 02:29:50 AM »
In an interview some time ago Miyamoto actually stated that at that time, a Mario game had not started in development, but the outrageous response after the unveiling of the mario 128 demo was enoug to convince him to punch out another one, and probably quickly. In the same interview, he also underhandedly confirmed that Luigi\'s Mansion was in development, and I\'m taking that as a launch title, it\'d seem reasonable.

I can\'t wait for GC, it\'s going to be awesome.... and I\'ll be VERY happy with 8 launch titles.
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8 games for Japanese GC launch?
« Reply #14 on: May 01, 2001, 05:33:07 AM »
Perfect Dark 2
Wave Race 2
1080 2
Resident Evil 0
Madden 2002

God, could you imagine?  I wouldn\'t know what to do with myself if I had to choose among those titles at launch...  I might spend a little more than I want to this year.  Can you say, "Buy me GC games for Christmas, dammit!"

Honestly, the idea of those games at once just gave me more anticipation for the console than I\'ve had so far...  We\'ll see how that goes, however, as I\'m still a little skeptical.

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