ahh yesss...Don Diego De La Mancha, he was a nutmeg, he also went by Ken masters...and some other names (he should be a recurring Nintendo boss, have him come back as different names but still the same person)
remember, the biggest ever Sega Fanboy was SegaKid, he should be one of the final bosses, at least from the dying Sega land
it was interesting to see the future playable characters your planning (so far) when i loaded up your file into RPGMaker (i also have it and am making RPGs, slowly) that Clyde cracked me up
1. Extremely long, but only until the plot can no longer twist and turn, dont go on for the sake of it, it becomes monotonous and boring
2. I like games very hard, but for this game, i think an easier approach would be good. Make sure the major bosses are really hard though
3. Keep enemies the way they are so far, i dont see how it could improve the game too much
4. Dont worry too much about mini games, concentrate on the main story first, get that right
5. I like the choosing of a path thingo, if you could do it properly and have multiple endings (preferrably containing me
) that would be awesome
6. Definately, you GOTTA have Cid Highwind, he rocks my world...in a way
are there gonna be any love stories? (aww, mushy mush)
any old rivals catching up? with eachother
remember it doesnt have to be strictly about PS2 the hole time, some characters should just be like mercenaries and stuff wandering the street who dont care who they side with
keep up the good work Ways ( i better be a cool character, or else