Originally posted by ddaryl
Actually. Standard DVD\'s are made by many and the prices on them are competitive. Nintendo\'s Mini DVD\'s are proritized and have to be bought from Nintendo. More than likely these special Mini DVD\'s will cost a little more then the Standards
As for liscensing fees. I SERIOUSLY DOUBT only pennies. Money needs to be made Nintendo is no different from the rest here. GC games will probably sell $5 to $10 more then XBOX and PS2 games IMO.
"Nintendo\'s proprietary Gamecube discs will not inflate the costs of development, and in fact the company has said that its licensing fees for third-parties are comparable, if not better than those of competitor Sony\'s for PlayStation 2. "
Source: IGN Ultimate Gamecube FAQ
http://cube.ign.com/news/23749.htmlEvery console has liscensing fees, as stated in the quote. I doubt that the price difference of Mini-DVD\'s wil be as drastic as it was with catridges and CD\'s. If it is, then Nintendo has been digging their own grave from the start. Also, this is just my assumption, but won\'t the smaller size of the Mini-DVD\'s have some impact on its manuafacturing costs?? (less plastic, cheaper??)
Yes, but adding the capabilities to use the PS2 as a DVD player costs a few bucks at the most, and is probably so minute it it isn\'t worth mentioning at all. Same with the CD player, the capabilities are already on the machine adding the necessary drivers really isn\'t that much at all
Gamecube will sell cheaper but I don\'t believe at all that Nintendo won\'t be taking a hit on hardware.
"In accordance with the DVD Forum (formerly DVD Consortium), an organization founded and maintained by major electronics manufacturers worldwide, any corporation wishing to release a DVD-branded device capable of playing DVD movies into the mass-market must pay a fee of approximately $20 per unit to the Forum. Therefore, Nintendo would have to pay $20 to the Forum for every Gamecube unit shipped—an amount of money that, it seems, is unacceptable. " - IGN FAQ
It\'s a little more than a few bucks.
Also, if you look
here, you can see that IGN expects a price between $150 and $200 for the GC, and I don\'t think they mention any losses in hardware profits.
Well aren\'t they all. N64 did the same thing
I wouldn\'t know, since I started gaming with the N64. But with rumours of GC games costing around $40 or $50, and the estimated price of the GC hardware, I\'d give Nintendo more credit this generation than many people gave the N64.
I guess we\'ll find out if this is all rubbish or not soon though. Only 7 days left till E3.