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Author Topic: Hands-on: NFL Fever 2002 (Xbox)  (Read 981 times)

Offline Ethan_Hunt
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Hands-on: NFL Fever 2002 (Xbox)
« on: May 19, 2001, 11:45:24 AM »
Impression from http://www.Gaming-age.com

Brief: Boy does this game need work

The Fall Microsoft\'s first party division will launch NFL Fever 2002 for Xbox. But the version at the show disappointed and still seemed very early.
The NFL Fever player models looked adequate. They make good use of polygons and are proportioned well. There was even a layer of morning fog in the demo I played. But that\'s when the title turned sour. NFL Fever is quite choppy and player movements were not fluid. The title looked like it was in moving in slow motion. What\'s even worse is that the control was very bad. Movement with the analog stick was very floaty and imprecise. It looked like the player animation was slowing down the control a bit. The AI is off to a good start (got mauled a few times during a running play). The replay mode was decent, highlighting the action at various angles. But during my replay the players\' face glitched onto the helmet repeatedly.

NFL Fever 2002 doesn\'t touch even the first iterations of the NFL 2K series or last year\'s Madden 2001. We\'ll keep a close eye on the title as it shapes up for launch later this year.

What is going on with there games,at the show?
On the 15 of March 2002, i was going to leave these forums for good.
But on the 16 of March i realised i couldn\'t ever say bye to you guys, so i am staying here for good!


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