impressions from
http://www.gaming-age.comBrief: Now here\'s what we want to see. Hawk flying on Xbox!
Tony Hawk\'s Pro Skater 2X is on display at the Microsoft booth at E3 and it looks and plays great. The frame rate hovers a little below the 60 frames area, but gives a great sensation of speed that\'s only eclipsed by THPS 3. THPS 2\'s update to Xbox takes advantage of the more powerful hardware with better textures, animation, and frame rate. A highlight in the effects department is an area where the skater skates over a bunch of tiles and has them illuminating as he glides over each one.
THPS 2X control is dead-on and very easy to pick up - a standard that the franchise seems to set on every platform. The same sky-soaring tricks can be done just as easily on the Xbox controller as they have in previous games.
THPS 2X is one of the strongest titles on Xbox. Look for it this Fall.
One Xbox game to look out for,better add this to my xbox games to buy,my first game!