D@mn. I was hoping they would make AN INFERNO MATCH!!!!! Jeez, for awhile now people have been lying about how to get the Inferno Match. For crying out loud I hope it\'s a secret match type or something. Lets hope that there is a lot more create-a-wrestler options and actually some real music not like the last 2 where they had like soothing music or if you should have the option to turn it off. Lets hope they also have Jim Ross and Paul Heymen as the RAW announcers and Micheal Cole and Tazz as the Smackdown! announcers. I hope it won\'t be like War Zone or WWF Attitude commentary (lets face it, it sucked:D). And if there is a ref. I hope they change them each time you play. But if you play as Earl Hebner don\'t have the ref. Earl Hebner(unless it\'s his twin). Another thing I hope they add is you can throw them off the stage and threw a table or something or even do a move ex. power bomb, chokeslam, Buh-Buh Bomb, ?piledriver?, etc. Now lets move to the Hell in the Cell. Hopefully Yukes learned from last time they should put it around the whole ring not just on top of it like in Smackdown! 2. If they really want to make it real put camera men around the ring. Jeez, I have got a lot to say. Sorry. Now to table matches. Wouldn\'t it be cool (directed to tHe GaMe) Pedegree them through a table? Or actucally do the 3-D? This list goes on and on. A Last Ride, Chokelsam to Hell, Downward Spiral, The Impaler, etc. Back to the matches--How about this one if it was a super secret match. A No-Holds bar, Hell in a Cell, Cage, TLC, Casket, Inferno match. That would be cool.
P.S. Do you think they\'ll have a Smackdown! 4? And if so what would it be Smackdown! 4: Shut Your Mouth?