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Author Topic: Would you buy an Xbox........  (Read 3786 times)

Offline Bozco
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Would you buy an Xbox........
« Reply #45 on: May 30, 2001, 05:11:47 PM »
Originally posted by JerginsSoft

Aww man, Boz!  You don\'t like the looks of PSO, any of the Capcom vs. games or ANYTHING on the Dreamcast?  Not even Soul Caliber?  And I did see some screenshots for Bleemcast.  It might be worth it to get it so I can clean up some PSOne games with it.  That PS2 "Enhancement" feature kinda disappointed me. :(

PSO is a cool game but I dont like fighting games, so that excludes capcom vs. and soul caliber, the bleemcast is cool and it totally improved how GT2 looked

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Any nut who would not buy the X-Box for 1 cent is not a game fan. PERIOD!
« Reply #46 on: June 08, 2001, 07:21:34 PM »
That is the stupidest statement I have ever read on this site. That does not sound like a man with any common sence. Obsessed hater is more like it. Sounds like something a little kid would say. Sorry.
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« Last Edit: September 08, 2011, 04:42:47 PM by jiggs »
But captain what will we do for the pain? You scream for the pain!

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Offline Bladez

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Well your post subject is stupid too.  Not buying the X-box for a penny is not a game fan?
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Would you buy an Xbox........
« Reply #48 on: June 09, 2001, 04:59:25 PM »
I will not buy one at launch, regardless of the cost. X-Box will need to break into the market and prove itself a viable console, not to mention get software I want, before I buy one.

Sure, I\'ll keep an open mind, and keep up with the console. If it meets my personal wants and likes, I\'ll pick it up at some point in 2002.


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Originally posted by Bladez
Well your post subject is stupid too.  Not buying the X-box for a penny is not a game fan?

    I take that to believe you think the X-Box is not worth a penny. That is not the point. The point is that the Machine is far worth more the penny thing is just bashing a console that has not seen the light of day yet in the consumers hands. How can one say it is not worthy or wont supply viable entertainment. If you like to play games why place a bias on one platform or another? I love to play games and have not seen a system that has not provided some sort of entertaining value.  There is too much great entertainment out there across platforms provided while bias only  diminishes ones gaming horizons and a true gamer(hardcore) would not want that. My question is you can have the so called best console out but with no great games it is nothing so is it the console or the games that matter.  If any console cost a cent it would worth it to someone who likes to play games. How can you hate something you have never tried. You can be a game fan and own just one console but hating all others does bring into question in my mind how much of a true game fan one really is if they insist on playing only on that one system. Maybe they worship the machine more than the games.  If one restricts themselves like that I do not believe they are getting the full enjoyment out of the gaming world and are more a console fan than a game fan.
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« Last Edit: September 08, 2011, 04:43:07 PM by jiggs »
But captain what will we do for the pain? You scream for the pain!

He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day.

Offline Solid Snake 88
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Would you buy an Xbox........
« Reply #50 on: June 09, 2001, 08:21:26 PM »
Nop. Not for $300.

Maybe, and I mean maybe, I will get one eventually if their is anything I really want on XBox that I can\'t get for PS2.
And thats only if the price drops. Alot.
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