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Author Topic: Okay who plans on getting a gba?  (Read 2332 times)

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Okay who plans on getting a gba?
« Reply #30 on: June 15, 2001, 08:10:40 PM »
Yeah, I got mine a few days ago . . .

I got the system, Glacier, Castlevania and Mario Advance.

So far, I\'m really enjoying the play value I\'ve gotten out of the GBA. Castlevania is truly an awesome follow up to SOTN. Everything people have been saying about this title is dead on. I would have never dreamed the series could be continued in such quality on a portable system. Still, the title is a bother to play without direct overhead light.

Mario is just nostalgic fun. I just read Ryu\'s review of the game, and can only say, I agree completely. BTW, awesome review of COTM, too!

My only gripe about the GBA is the screen plate, "not the LCD, but the plastic screen cover over it." Mine came scratched, right out of the box. There are several super fine scratches, more or less verticle, all over the screen plate. I did some web surfig and found several other claims of the same problem. It\'s one of the most common complaints I\'ve seen.

They are really difficult to see, unless the on-screen graphics are black and you have a direct light over the system. In other words, I see them constatly while playing castlevania, but not while playing Mario, which is a much brighter game.

Now I have to call up Nintendo and order some replacement screen kits. :crap:

Anyone else have this problem?


Offline Living-In-Clip

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Okay who plans on getting a gba?
« Reply #31 on: June 15, 2001, 08:37:22 PM »
Originally posted by Eiksirf
I put Castlevania on layaway today (still recup\'ing from the initial purchases) based largely on the opinions of people on this site.

Can you explain what\'s so great about it?  I\'ve never played Castlevania before...


It is just a 2D masterpiece. In my opinion, all of the CastleVania\'s have been excellent since the original (excluding the 3D ones, which was still decent, but not great).

If you have never played CastleVania before, I strongly suggest hunting down a copy of CastleVaina:SOTN for the Psone. It is in my opinion, the one must own title for the Psone. You can get it at Best Buy,Wal-mart and other chain stores for around $20 dollars. It will provide you with hours of fun.

CastleVania:COTM is alot like CastleVania:SOTN , with a few varations. Both are alot like Super Metriod, but COTM is even more like Metriod. If that makes any sense.

To be completely honest, I\'ve had more fun with COTM so far, then I have any PS2 titles. I\'m not tryin\' to diss the PS2, but  I just miss these good ole\' 2D games. Hopefully Konami will see how high of demand a there was for a 2D Castlevania and make us a sequel for the PS2 or any other next generation system..

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Okay who plans on getting a gba?
« Reply #32 on: June 16, 2001, 12:35:46 AM »
Im warming to the idea of getting a Gameboy Advance but in the UK it will retail for £90 which is very bad but I could get over that since its a one off payment. However the games are the worst, £35 each.

In terms of dollars thats...

$126 for the GBA.
$49 for the games.


You can import a American machine for about £70 which is a bit better like. However without importing every game too we are still stuck with a £35 price tag.

- Once again Europe is let down. We wait longer than Jap and America then have to pay more for the console and games.

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Okay who plans on getting a gba?
« Reply #33 on: June 16, 2001, 01:07:29 AM »
Hey L-I-C.. I\'ve always wondered why, if you miss 2d games so bad, why you don\'t get into Abandonware? There\'s a lot of great games out there that you\'d probably love. Jazz Jackrabbit, Jill of the Jungle, Duke Nukem 1 & 2, Commander Keen, Monster Bash, One Must Fall, Solar Winds, Raptor, Thexter, Lode Runner, ect..

Even if you don\'t like the thought of downloading a game you haven\'t paid for (depsite the fact that the damn companies won\'t sell them), you can always download the first few episodes/level as Shareware.

Between those and the GBA, I\'m sure you wouldn\'t be left wanting for a good 2D game for a VERY long time. Really, who cares if they\'re technically new.. as long as they\'re new to you.
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Okay who plans on getting a gba?
« Reply #34 on: June 16, 2001, 02:21:56 AM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip

I just miss these good ole\' 2D games. Hopefully Konami will see how high of demand a there was for a 2D Castlevania and make us a sequel for the PS2 or any other next generation system..

I know what you mean, and hope the same myself. I can imagine what such a game,
tweaked with all the bells and whistles at the PS2\'s disposal, would be like.

Still, at least we\'re getting Castlevania: Chronicles for the PSone soon enough.


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Okay who plans on getting a gba?
« Reply #35 on: June 16, 2001, 03:57:41 AM »
Has CV:SotN been released in PAL territories? I\'ve tried hunting down the game for ages now... so I guess not... :( Well, I\'ll always have Super Castlevania IV.

The GBA eh, I went out today, asking for one in several different stores. ONE (1) (out of 7) store(s) knew of the machine existing and promised they\'d have some next week. God I hate this place. They don\'t even sell anything DreamCast related here, and I already need a new VMU. Anyways, it seems like I\'ll be getting a GBA as soon as possible, with at least Castlevania. Yum. Or... maybe I\'ll wait a bit, I\'ve got too many great games to concentrate on already (Majora\'s Mask, Shenmue, Grandia 2, Skies of Arcadia...).
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Okay who plans on getting a gba?
« Reply #36 on: June 16, 2001, 05:47:08 AM »
when its price down it´s very possible I get one... for now no.
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Okay who plans on getting a gba?
« Reply #37 on: June 16, 2001, 07:47:29 AM »
I was a bit pessimistic about getting a GBA for a while since there was no must have launch title for me(I already own the most advanced version of THPS2), but after some long consideration I have decided to get one as a birth-day present on July 2. I won\'t be getting any GBA games then, instead I\'ll pick up one of the two new Zelda games made by Capcom and possibly Pokemon Gold or Silver if I have enough money. Yes, you heard it right. I was completely hooked on Pokemon Red on an emulator for a while and I\'m looking forward to getting the sequal.

My first GBA game will definitely be Mario Kart Advance.

Offline Living-In-Clip

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Okay who plans on getting a gba?
« Reply #38 on: June 16, 2001, 09:04:22 AM »
Originally posted by SonyFan
Hey L-I-C.. I\'ve always wondered why, if you miss 2d games so bad, why you don\'t get into Abandonware? There\'s a lot of great games out there that you\'d probably love. Jazz Jackrabbit, Jill of the Jungle, Duke Nukem 1 & 2, Commander Keen, Monster Bash, One Must Fall, Solar Winds, Raptor, Thexter, Lode Runner, ect..

Even if you don\'t like the thought of downloading a game you haven\'t paid for (depsite the fact that the damn companies won\'t sell them), you can always download the first few episodes/level as Shareware.

Between those and the GBA, I\'m sure you wouldn\'t be left wanting for a good 2D game for a VERY long time. Really, who cares if they\'re technically new.. as long as they\'re new to you.

I just never really thought of it to be honest.
Its a good idea.
Thanks man.

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Okay who plans on getting a gba?
« Reply #39 on: June 16, 2001, 12:32:43 PM »
About what I said earlier-I must admit I exaggerated. What I meant was that it isn\'t as a big step in handheld gaming, graphics-wise as I had expected.  Just to tell you, I played GT. Is that a bad example of GBA\'s power or something?

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Okay who plans on getting a gba?
« Reply #40 on: June 16, 2001, 05:00:00 PM »
I was a bit pessimistic about getting a GBA for a while since there was no must have launch title for me(I already own the most advanced version of THPS2), but after some long consideration I have decided to get one as a birth-day present on July 2

Wise choice man. Not sure when you got into gaming, but to be able to play those classic snes titles again, is just great. I\'m loving every minute of F-Zero even though it\'s just a rehash. Maybe I\'m enjoying it more-so for nostalgic reasons, but I couldn\'t be happier with my purchase of the GBA. CV alone is worth it. (but I recall you don\'t care for that series)

- dm
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Okay who plans on getting a gba?
« Reply #41 on: June 16, 2001, 05:33:50 PM »
CV alone is worth it. (but I recall you don\'t care for that series)

ummm....I think you\'ve remember wrong.

I\'m going to admit this for the first time now and I\'m very ashamed to be a Nintendo fan when I say this, but I have never, eveeer, played a Castle Vania game before. That\'s right, I have never holded a controller while playing a CastleVania game before. Freaky...

 Since I have never played one before and am dying for a new type of game then maybe I should buy Circle of the Moon for GBA. Yeah...

Offline Living-In-Clip

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Okay who plans on getting a gba?
« Reply #42 on: June 16, 2001, 08:42:10 PM »
Originally posted by Jumpman

ummm....I think you\'ve remember wrong.

I\'m going to admit this for the first time now and I\'m very ashamed to be a Nintendo fan when I say this, but I have never, eveeer, played a Castle Vania game before. That\'s right, I have never holded a controller while playing a CastleVania game before. Freaky...

 Since I have never played one before and am dying for a new type of game then maybe I should buy Circle of the Moon for GBA. Yeah...

I\'m not sure how this can be. You like Nintendo--yet you have never played a CastleVania game? This is like believing in God but never touching a bible. It is totally screwed up.

Jumpy, buy COTM and I think even you will be impressed. Who knows, you may like it so much it will compell you to check out the older titles.

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Okay who plans on getting a gba?
« Reply #43 on: June 17, 2001, 03:19:55 AM »
ummm....I think you\'ve remember wrong

We argued about Konami. You saying Metal Gear is all they had and when I pointed out CV you didn\'t care for it. Either way, if you\'ve never played a CV game, go for it.

- dm
- the trick is to keep breathing.


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