There are tons of developers really getting the hang of coding the PS2
There are botttleneks in all consoles even Xbox and GC. Developers once familiar with the PS2 architexture will see Dev time and monies reduced signnificantly.
The fact remeains even on the "Easier to program" consoles dev time and monies are increased simply because there is so much more to do and design. Better physics engine, higher polygon characters, richer textures , larger worlds. All this requires bigger and more expensive dev time.
I seriously believe that the PS2 gets a black eye because lots of devs didn\'t realize how much work is really needed to make a next gen project, add that to the unfamiliarity with the PS2 and the shock caused some devs to *****. Lots of devs still sing praises about the hardware, and games like FFX MGS2, Jak and Daxter GT3, Devil May Cry, Run Like Hell, Baldurs Gate, and more are all looking as good if not better then most everything out there on all the systems.