Games and graphics aside, let\'s just look at it this way:
PS2 came out "early." Of course XBox and GC are going to have advantages, as new advances in game console design since the release of PS2. Also, think about this:
I\'m the big head money grabbing guy of Sony. I want to make a lot of money so that I can add that swimming pool on the roof and the bowling alley next to my aviary. Do I wait an extra year to make a better system, or do I work with what I have and get the money that much quicker. Plus, I\'ll be "forced" to make an even better system later when the competition lays on the pressure (cha-ching!). I\'m not worried about the competition, I know they may be easier to program than the PS2, but hey, there\'s always the next console over the horizon (unless you\'re SEGA, in which there is always the next "game innovation" over the horizon).
Have a nice day.