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Author Topic: EA picks sony as the leader of this generation.  (Read 971 times)

Offline rastalant
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EA picks sony as the leader of this generation.
« on: June 28, 2001, 06:30:43 PM »
The publisher of the popular Madden franchise bets on Sony to be the next-generation console leader.

June 28, 2001

Earlier today Bloomberg News interviewed Electronic Arts\' president and chief operating officer John Riccitiello about the company\'s take on the industry and the coming next-generation console war. The EA executive reiterated the firm\'s position that Sony PS2, with an initial sales lead, would remain market leader even after the release of GameCube and Xbox later this year.

"Microsoft and Nintendo GameCube are coming out this fall and they\'re going to represent a challenge," said Riccitiello, "but Sony\'s got enough of a head start that I think it\'s got a very good shot of maintaining first place."

Regardless of who wins the battle for the largest console installed base, EA hopes that all major players will be successful, but is prepared for the possibility that they won\'t. Said Riccitiello: "One thing that we\'d like to see is success for all three consoles. Success for two out of three would also make us very happy."

More soon.

I agree that sony chances are looking very good at this point.  The only thing now is when is a U.S. price drop going to happen?
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EA picks sony as the leader of this generation.
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2001, 05:46:50 AM »
He said they have "a good shot."  I\'m sure that\'ll make alot of PS2 fanboys happy...for the meantime that is.  However, if you are an EA fan who plans on buying a GCN and Xbox, as long as PS2 is in the lead, Xbox and GCN will continue to get PS2 ports of the sports franchises since EA are a bunch of lazy bastards.  They\'ve lost their passion and now games are just a money making venture for them.  Alas, the true power of Xbox and GCN will never be tapped by EA.
When all is said and done...the PS2 will be remembered as the console with the best games in Fall 2001.

Offline rastalant
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EA picks sony as the leader of this generation.
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2001, 05:55:32 AM »
Originally posted by DirectXbox
He said they have "a good shot."  I\'m sure that\'ll make alot of PS2 fanboys happy...for the meantime that is.  However, if you are an EA fan who plans on buying a GCN and Xbox, as long as PS2 is in the lead, Xbox and GCN will continue to get PS2 ports of the sports franchises since EA are a bunch of lazy bastards.  They\'ve lost their passion and now games are just a money making venture for them.  Alas, the true power of Xbox and GCN will never be tapped by EA.

Ain\'t everyone in it for the money?  YOu think game developer would just make games for fun if they couldn\'t make any money off of  it?  I know it seems like ps2 is EA main focus and gamecube and xbox will probly be getting old ports.
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EA picks sony as the leader of this generation.
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2001, 06:48:18 AM »
Well, xbox and gc are coming out around the same time.  PS2 had no competition, and now these two must share the market when they come out.  That probably explains why PS2 will still be in the lead.

Hypothetical, none of the following numbers are true!

PS2 launch, 100 000 interested people, 100 000 buy PS2

xbox & gc launch, 250 000 interested people:

50 000 buy PS2
100 000 buy xbox
100 000 buy gc


PS2:   150 000
xbox: 100 000
gc:     100 000

Just an example of what I mean.

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EA picks sony as the leader of this generation.
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2001, 07:35:51 AM »
Its bee nsaid MANY times before and it is WAY too early to make assumptions like this. Although in EA\'s defense they never said that Sony would win; but in fact said they had a very good chance. IMO, both the Xbox and the GCN have a good chance of surpassing Sony\'s userbase.
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EA picks sony as the leader of this generation.
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2001, 08:00:08 AM »
On the other side of the coin EA is not nearly as good as other developers compared to the amount of sheer arogance they express.  They are not nearly as good as they make themselves out to be and are severely overrated.
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EA picks sony as the leader of this generation.
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2001, 11:45:43 AM »
If I recall correctly didn\'t 3DO also say Sony was goin\' to win so they was goin\' to give full support to the PS2 ? :laughing:

EA is doin\' whats natrual. The PS2 is the unit out there and with the headstart, so by their market predictions it has the best chance of bein\' the top console. If by some chance, the GCN or Xbox came out and took Sony off top, then you would see EA singing praise for that company..

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EA picks sony as the leader of this generation.
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2001, 12:08:08 PM »
Don\'t listen to the bozos over at EA.  It is one man\'s opinion, and as far as I am concern he is not even a professional industry analyst.  Even I don\'t trust those guys considering it is far too early, and all the information regarding the plans(advertising, softwares, etc.) of the corporations(Sony, Microsoft, Gamecube) are just too vague and obscure to even make a remotely accurate prediction.  He is probably one developer working at EA who happens to think the PS2 has the "best chance" because it is probably his system of preference.  Come on now, how can you predict anything without mentioning all the important factors such as advertising, support, softwares, economy, etc.

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EA picks sony as the leader of this generation.
« Reply #8 on: June 29, 2001, 01:52:26 PM »
TShirts you don\'t trust anyone that says anything positive about the PS2 and Sony.  

If this so called Bozo claimed MS and XBox wouild win you\'d be posting how right he is ,  and trying to tell us that someone finnally see s the truth or some other outrageous BS you like to spew here


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