I swear they should make a videogame of this, but they probably won\'t cause it\'s extreemly dangerous and might cause "the children" to follow suit. I\'ve got all my "ammo" already except for a few select items. There\'s, of course, the 9mm (Bottle Rockets), Tracers (Bottle Rockets w/o report), .45\'s (Whistling bottlerockets), Grenades (M80\'s), Cluster Bombs (Black Cats), Mortars (Roman Candles), Flares (Twirlers), SmokeScreens (Smoke Bombs), Bouncing Bettys (Spark Fountains), and Blast Cannons (The 30ft Ariel Displays... we don\'t actually shoot these at each other, they\'re more for effect and atmosphere).
We got in trouble for holding the "War" at Indiana VacForm last year, so we have to find a new battleground.. but this year should be the best. Hopefully noone will get hurt aside from a few flash burns and bottlerockets to the head. Last year was fun, but we had a casualty... David tried to tackle me while I was firing at him with a Roman Candle. He\'s still got the scar from where it nailed him in the arm last year.
So aside from me who\'s going to have one this year?
(BTW: If you\'re going to be stupid enough to fire off explosives at your friends... Remember your saftey gear. Goggles, Helmets, Padding.. basically whatever you\'d wear to go paintballing.)