Originally posted by Bobs_Hardware
ok Jumpman...you button bashing with your character of shoice...i challenge you to a game...lets see who would win...
Ok! Let me get on a plane to Australia and we\'ll see who is better! /sarcasm
Now, I read a lot of your topics about TTT back when ocnsoledome was up so I now how much time you put into the game and yes there is a way to easily beat up button smashers in that series, hence why I keep losing to my friend who owns a PS2 in that game(though when he first got it I could button smash and he would actually try and I\'d still beat him 50% of the time).
The point I was trying to make is Soul Caliber is simply the best 3d fighting game ever. It got a perfect score from Famistu, only 2 or 3 games did that. You\'d think it would be deeper than Tekken just after hearing that but go play it for yourself and find out.
they got it right before, easy to pick up...difficult to master
Dammit, EVERY fighting game is like that with the exception of the Virtua Fighter series- hard to pick and and IMPOSSIBLE to master.