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Author Topic: You guys must read this Sony fans, MS fans, Nintendo fans read it\'s about the market.  (Read 1752 times)

Offline Ryu
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I know what you mean in that regard.  I\'ve had the tendency to make different marks for incorrect spellings and grammar though so I see what you mean.  I would have gone ahead and made the fix regardless.  He benefits from it anyways :)
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Offline Claypool 2001
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when they wrote it, they probably used one of thoes magical 8 balls...
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Offline QuDDus
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I just don\'t get how ppl think they can predict how someone will choose something. They don\'t who is going to spend their money where. It is totally stupid.
There are 2 more powerful console competiting against ps2. Nobody can predict how it will come out. It is all a wait and see issue nobody knows.
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